60 Day Social Media PR Plan

60-Day Social Media PR Plan

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME] | Company: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

I. Executive Summary

The 60-Day Social Media PR Plan is designed to drive awareness, engagement, and sales for the upcoming launch of [PRODUCT NAME]. By leveraging targeted social media campaigns, engaging content, and strategic partnerships, The company aims to create a buzz around the product and generate excitement leading up to the launch.

II. Goals and Objectives

  • Increase brand awareness for [PRODUCT NAME] by 30%.

  • Generate 500 leads through social media channels.

  • Achieve a 10% engagement rate on social media posts related to the product launch.

III. Target Audience Analysis

Our target audience consists of tech-savvy individuals aged 18-35, primarily active on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. They are early adopters of technology and value innovative products that enhance their lifestyle.

IV. Content Calendar





Day 1-5



Share cryptic images hinting at the product.

Day 6-10



Show the product in development.

Day 11-15

Product Feature


Highlight key features of the product.

Day 21-25



Share photos/videos from beta testers.

Day 31-35

Influencer Endorse


Influencers review and endorse the product.

Day 41-45



Launch countdown with daily reminders.

V. Promotion Strategies

  • Paid Advertising: Allocate $10,000 for targeted social media ads on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with five influencers in the tech and lifestyle niches to promote [PRODUCT NAME].

  • Contests and Giveaways: Host a series of contests leading up to the launch to engage the audience and create excitement.

VI. Measurement and Analytics

  • Use social media analytics tools to track engagement, reach, and conversion rates.

  • Monitor sentiment and feedback to gauge audience response and make real-time adjustments to the strategy.

VII. Timeline



Month 1

(Days 1-30)

  • Conduct audience research and finalize content strategy.

  • Develop social media assets.

  • Identify and reach out to influencers for partnerships.

  • Set up social media advertising campaigns.

Month 2

(Days 31-60)

  • Launch teaser campaigns.

  • Post engaging content.

  • Monitor performance and adjust strategies as needed.

VIII. Budget


Budget Allocation

Social Media Advertising


Influencer Partnerships


Content Creation






IX. Conclusion

The success of the 60-Day Social Media PR Plan for the launch of [PRODUCT NAME] will be measured by increased brand awareness, engagement, and lead generation. By executing this plan effectively, the company aims to position [PRODUCT NAME] as a must-have for our target audience.

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