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Architecture Board Evaluation

Architecture Board Evaluation

The following evaluation form is designed to assess the various aspects of our architecture board. It will help in identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

The evaluation encompasses several key criteria, providing a structured approach to assess the board's overall performance.


  1. Review each criterion.

  2. Rate from 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent) based on performance.

  3. Provide specific comments for each criterion.

  4. Use the "Additional Comments and Notes" section for further insights.

Evaluation Criteria

Rating (1-5)


Strategic Vision

Governance and Compliance

Decision-Making Process

Stakeholder Engagement

Risk Management

Innovation and Adaptability

Performance Metrics

Rating Scale

1: Poor - Significant improvement needed.

2: Fair - Several areas need improvement.

3: Good - Meets expectations with minor improvements needed.

4: Very Good - Exceeds expectations.

5: Excellent - Far exceeds expectations; best practices observed.

Additional Comments and Notes

Architecture Templates @