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Architecture Working Contract

This Architecture Working Contract ("Contract") is made effective as of [Date], by and between [Your Company Name], with its principal office located at [Your Company Address] ("Architect"), and [Client's Name], with its principal office located at [Client's Address] ("Client"). This Contract outlines the terms and conditions under which architectural services will be provided.

I. Definitions

A. Project

The term "Project" refers to the specific architectural work to be undertaken by the Architect as described in Section II. The Project encompasses all related tasks, including planning, design, and construction oversight.

B. Services

The term "Services" refers to all architectural tasks to be performed by the Architect as detailed in Section III. These tasks include but are not limited to site analysis, design development, construction documentation, and administration.

C. Deliverables

The term "Deliverables" refers to the tangible items to be produced and delivered to the Client, including but not limited to drawings, models, and reports. Deliverables are essential for the successful completion of the Project and will be provided at various stages as outlined in the schedule.

II. Project Description

A. Project Name and Location

  1. Name: [Project Name]
    The Project will be identified as [Project Name], a unique and innovative architectural endeavor.

  2. Location: [Project Address]
    The Project is located at [Project Address], a prime location that offers various advantages including accessibility and aesthetic appeal.

B. Project Scope

  1. Overview: The Project involves designing a [type of building, e.g., residential, commercial, industrial] structure with a total area of [0000] square feet. The design will focus on creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.

  2. Specific Requirements:

    • Design Specifications: The design should include [specific rooms or features, e.g., 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen]. These specifications will cater to the Client’s needs and preferences.

    • Sustainability Goals: The Project aims to achieve [sustainability standard, e.g., LEED Gold certification]. Sustainable design practices will be employed to minimize environmental impact and enhance energy efficiency.

III. Services to be Provided

A. Preliminary Design

  1. Site Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the site conditions, including topography, climate, and legal restrictions. This analysis will inform the initial design concepts and ensure feasibility.

  2. Concept Development: Develop preliminary sketches and concepts based on the Client’s requirements. These concepts will be reviewed and refined in collaboration with the Client to align with their vision.

B. Design Development

  1. Detailed Plans: Create detailed architectural plans, including floor plans, elevations, and sections. These plans will provide a clear representation of the design and facilitate the construction process.

  2. Material Selection: Propose materials for construction, ensuring they meet the Client's quality and budgetary constraints. Materials will be selected based on durability, aesthetics, and sustainability.

C. Construction Documentation

  1. Construction Drawings: Prepare complete construction drawings necessary for obtaining building permits and for construction. These drawings will detail every aspect of the design to ensure accurate execution.

  2. Specifications: Provide detailed specifications for materials, finishes, and workmanship. Specifications will guide the construction process and ensure compliance with the design intent.

D. Construction Administration

  1. Site Visits: Conduct regular site visits to monitor construction progress and ensure compliance with design specifications. Site visits will also allow for timely identification and resolution of any issues.

  2. Coordination: Coordinate with contractors and other professionals involved in the Project. Effective coordination will ensure that all parties work collaboratively towards the successful completion of the Project.

IV. Project Schedule

A. Milestones

  1. Preliminary Design Completion: [Date]
    The preliminary design phase will conclude on [Date], marking the completion of initial concepts and site analysis.

  2. Design Development Completion: [Date]
    The design development phase will be completed by [Date], with detailed plans and material selections finalized.

  3. Construction Documentation Completion: [Date]
    The construction documentation phase will be finished by [Date], providing all necessary documents for the construction process.

  4. Project Completion: [Date]
    The entire Project is expected to be completed by [Date], encompassing all phases from initial design to final construction.

B. Timeline

The following table outlines the timeline for each phase of the Project:


Start Date

End Date

Preliminary Design



Design Development



Construction Documentation



Construction Administration



V. Fees and Payment

A. Fee Structure

  1. Fixed Fee: The total fee for the Services shall be [$0,000]. This fee covers all work outlined in this Contract, including preliminary design, design development, construction documentation, and construction administration.

  2. Hourly Rate: Services rendered beyond the agreed scope will be billed at an hourly rate of [$0] per hour. This includes any additional work requested by the Client that is not covered under the fixed fee.

B. Payment Schedule

The following table outlines the payment schedule for the Project:


Amount Due

Due Date

Contract Signing


Preliminary Design Completion


Design Development Completion


Construction Documentation


Project Completion


Payments are due upon completion of each milestone, ensuring that the Project remains financially viable and progresses smoothly.

C. Additional Costs

  1. Reimbursable Expenses: Client agrees to reimburse Architect for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel and materials, incurred in connection with the Services. All reimbursable expenses will be documented and presented to the Client for approval.

VI. Responsibilities of the Parties

A. Architect’s Responsibilities

  1. Standard of Care: Architect shall perform the Services with the degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised by reputable architects. This includes adhering to industry standards and best practices.

  2. Compliance: Architect shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. This ensures that all aspects of the Project are legally sound and meet regulatory requirements.

B. Client’s Responsibilities

  1. Timely Decisions: Client shall provide timely decisions to facilitate the performance of the Services. Prompt decision-making will help keep the Project on schedule.

  2. Access: Client shall provide Architect with access to the Project site and necessary information. This includes any existing site data, legal documents, and other relevant information required for the Project.

VII. Changes to the Project

A. Change Orders

  1. Request for Changes: Either party may request changes to the Project in writing. Any requested changes will be reviewed and discussed to determine feasibility and impact on the Project.

  2. Approval: Changes will be implemented only upon mutual written agreement. Both parties must agree to the scope, cost, and schedule adjustments resulting from the changes.

VIII. Termination

A. Termination by Client

Client may terminate this Contract upon [00] days’ written notice if the Architect fails to perform in accordance with the terms herein. In such a case, the Architect shall be compensated for Services rendered up to the termination date.

B. Termination by Architect

Architect may terminate this Contract upon [00] days’ written notice if the Client fails to pay fees or otherwise comply with the terms herein. The Architect will be entitled to payment for Services performed and reimbursable expenses incurred up to the termination date.

IX. Dispute Resolution

A. Mediation

  1. Initial Step: Parties agree to attempt to resolve disputes through mediation. Mediation is a collaborative process that helps parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution.

  2. Mediator: A mutually agreed-upon mediator shall conduct the mediation. The mediator will facilitate discussions and assist in negotiating a settlement.

B. Arbitration

  1. Binding Arbitration: If mediation fails, disputes shall be resolved through binding arbitration. Arbitration is a formal process where an arbitrator makes a binding decision on the dispute.

  2. Arbitrator Selection: An arbitrator will be selected in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator’s decision will be final and enforceable in a court of law.

X. Miscellaneous

A. Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [State]. This provision ensures that any legal matters arising from the Contract will be addressed under the appropriate jurisdiction.

B. Entire Agreement

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings. It ensures that all terms and conditions are contained within this document, providing a clear and comprehensive agreement.

C. Amendments

No amendment to this Contract shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. This ensures that any changes to the Contract are formally agreed upon and documented.

D. Severability

If any provision of this Contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. This clause ensures that the Contract remains operative even if part of it is invalidated.

E. Notices

All notices required or permitted under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered when sent by certified mail to the respective parties at the addresses specified above. This provision ensures clear communication between the parties.

XI. Signatures

By signing below, the parties agree to the terms and conditions of this Architecture Working Contract.

[Your Company Name]

[Your Name]
[Your Title]

[Client's Name]

[Client's Name]
[Client's Title]

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