Parenting Plan


The Parenting Plan outlines custody, visitation, and financial guidelines for [Child's Name(s)] during their parents' divorce, emphasizing co-parenting and the children's well-being.

I. Custody Arrangements

As the custodial parent, I [Your Name] will have primary physical custody of our children. However, we will share joint legal custody, ensuring that both of us have a say in major decisions regarding our children's upbringing, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

II. General Provisions

A. Communication Plan

We agree to maintain open and respectful communication for the well-being of our children. Communication will primarily occur via text or email and will include updates on the children's health, school activities, and any significant events.

B. Decision-Making Authority

While we both have joint legal custody, decisions regarding healthcare and medical treatment will primarily fall under my responsibility. Educational decisions will be made jointly, with input from both parents.

C. Relocation

In the event of either parent needing to relocate, we agree to provide adequate notice to the other parent and work together to create a revised parenting plan that accommodates the new circumstances.

III. Custody and Visitation Schedule

With Parent 2 (Non-Custodial Parent)

With Parent 1 (Custodial Parent)

Monday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Monday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Wednesday: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Wednesday: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Friday: 4:00 PM - Sunday 6:00 PM

Friday: 4:00 PM - Sunday 6:00 PM

IV. Financial Provisions

We agree that both parents will contribute to the financial support of our children. The non-custodial parent will pay child support in the amount of [insert amount], to be paid on [insert schedule]. Additionally, we will maintain a joint bank account for any shared expenses related to the children's needs, including medical bills, extracurricular activities, and educational expenses, which will be split equally between both parents.

V. Parental Responsibilities


With Parent 2

With Parent 1

Education Decisions



Healthcare Decisions

Parent 2

Parent 1

Extracurricular Activities

Parent 1

Parent 2

VI. Dispute Resolution

In the event of any disputes or disagreements regarding the parenting plan, we agree to first attempt to resolve the issue through mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, we will seek legal counsel to resolve the matter.

VII. Modifications to the Plan

We understand that circumstances may change over time, and we agree to revisit and modify this parenting plan as necessary to accommodate any changes in our lives or the needs of our children. Modifications to the plan will be made in writing and signed by both parents.

VIII. Acknowledgement of Understanding

By signing below, we acknowledge that we have read and understood the terms of this parenting plan and agree to abide by them for the well-being of our children.

[Your Name]

Date: [Date]

[Parent 2's Name]

Date: [Date]

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