Flag Football Unit Plan

Flag Football Unit Plan

Prepared by:

[Your Name]


Flag Football



I. Unit Overview

This detailed Flag Football Unit Plan offers students the chance to acquire and perfect basic skills, comprehend the rules, and delve into the tactics essential for the game. Painstakingly designed, the unit not only promotes physical health and teamwork but also emphasizes fairness and sportsmanship. Moreover, it is organized to align with current educational standards, fitting smoothly into the wider school curriculum.

II. Learning Objectives

  • Understand and demonstrate the basic skills of flag football, including passing, catching, and flag pulling.

  • Comprehend and apply the rules and strategies of flag football.

  • Develop teamwork, communication, and sportsmanship through gameplay.

  • Enhance physical fitness through various flag football activities and drills.

III. Standards Alignment





Demonstrates motor skills and movement patterns for various physical activities.

Passing and catching drills, flag pulling practice.


Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Team discussions on sportsmanship, and observing rules during gameplay.


Participates regularly in physical activity to improve overall fitness.

Warm-ups, cool-downs, and regular flag football games.

IV. Unit Schedule




Lesson 1

Introduction to Flag Football

Overview of rules, basic skills demonstration, and initial warm-up exercises.

Lesson 2

Passing and Catching

Drills for passing and catching, peer assessment on technique.

Lesson 3

Flag Pulling and Defense

Flag-pulling drills, team defensive strategy discussions.

Lesson 4

Offensive Strategies

Running plays, passing routes, and team offensive strategy sessions.

Lesson 5

Game Play and Assessment

Full flag football game, peer and teacher feedback on performance.

V. Instructional Strategies

  • Demonstration and Practice: Teachers will demonstrate key skills and allow students to practice through drills and activities.

  • Team-Based Learning: Students will be grouped into teams to practice and play games, fostering teamwork and collaboration.

  • Discussion and Reflection: Class discussions on rules, strategies, and sportsmanship reinforce learning and encourage reflection.

  • Assessment: Formative assessments through observation, peer feedback, and performance in drills and games.

VI. Assessment and Evaluation

The evaluation process for this academic unit is designed to incorporate both formative and summative assessment strategies.

  • Formative assessments: Incorporate feedback provided by peers, and detailed observations made by teachers during practice drills, and engage in thorough discussions that involve reflecting on the activities conducted.


Excellent (4)

Good (3)

Satisfactory (2)

Needs Improvement (1)

Peer Feedback

Detailed, constructive, and positive feedback

Constructive with some positive elements

Basic feedback with minimal constructive input

Vague or lacks constructive elements

Teacher Observations

Consistently accurate and effective skills

Minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies in skills

Basic skills with notable inaccuracies

Struggles with basic skills

Reflective Discussions

Actively insightful reflections

Meaningful reflections

Basic reflections

Limited participation and reflection

Formative Assessment Rubric

  • Summative assessment: The activity includes a conclusive flag football game during which students have the opportunity to showcase their acquired skills, their comprehension of the game rules, and their proficiency in collaborating effectively as a team.


Excellent (4)

Good (3)

Satisfactory (2)

Needs Improvement (1)

Skills Demonstration

High proficiency in passing, catching, and flag-pulling

Good proficiency with minor errors

Basic proficiency with some errors

Struggles with basic skills

Understanding of Rules

Fully understands and consistently applies rules

Understands and applies with occasional lapses

Basic understanding of inconsistent application

Lacks understanding and poor application

Teamwork and Collaboration

Exceptional communication and cooperation

Good communication and cooperation

Basic communication and cooperation

Poor communication and cooperation

Summative Assessment Rubric

VII. Resources and Materials

  • Flag football sets (flags and belts): Essential equipment for playing flag football, consisting of flags attached to belts worn by players. These sets allow for safe and engaging gameplay by simulating tackling without physical contact.

  • Footballs: Necessary for both drills and gameplay, footballs are used to practice passing, catching, and other essential skills of flag football. Sufficient quantities ensure smooth and uninterrupted practice sessions and games.

  • Cones and markers: Used to mark boundaries, set up drill stations, and designate playing areas during flag football activities. They help organize and structure practices and games effectively.

  • Whistle and stopwatch: Vital tools for game management, the whistle is used to signal the start and stop of play, while the stopwatch helps track game time and enforce time limits for drills and activities.

  • Handouts on rules and strategies: Printed materials providing comprehensive information on the rules and strategies of flag football. These handouts serve as valuable references for students to understand and apply the game's principles effectively.

VIII. Modifications and Accommodations

To ensure all students can participate and benefit from the unit, the following modifications and accommodations will be made:

  • Modifying drills and activities to accommodate different skill levels and physical abilities is essential for effective coaching.

  • Providing additional support and instruction for students who need it.

  • Making certain that there is clear communication and providing visual demonstrations to aid students who have learning difficulties.

  • Developing teams that are inclusive and that foster an environment promoting opportunities for equal participation among all students.

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