Free Temporary Parenting Plan Template



Free Temporary Parenting Plan Template


I. Introduction

This Temporary Parenting Plan ("Plan") is entered into by [Your Name] and [Co-Parent's Name] on April 15, 2050, to establish temporary custody arrangements and parenting schedules for their child, Emily Johnson-Smith, during the transitional period of their divorce proceedings, pending the finalization of a permanent parenting plan. This Plan is designed to ensure the well-being and stability of Emily during this interim period.

II. Custody Arrangements

During the duration of this Plan, [Your Name] shall have physical custody of Emily Johnson-Smith from April 20, 2050, to May 5, 2050, and [Co-Parent's Name] shall have physical custody from May 5, 2050, to May 20, 2050. Both parents are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for Emily during their respective custodial periods.

III. Visitation Schedule


Visitation Schedule

[Your Name]

Every other weekend from Friday 6:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 PM

[Co-Parent's Name]

Wednesdays from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

IV. Holiday and Special Occasion Schedules

Holiday/Special Occasion



Even Years: [Co-Parent's Name] Odd Years: [Your Name]


Even Years: [Your Name] Odd Years: [Co-Parent's Name]

Emily's Birthday

[Your Name]

V. Parental Responsibilities



Healthcare Decisions

[Your Name]

Education Decisions

[Co-Parent's Name]

Extracurricular Activities

Shared Responsibility

Both parents recognize the importance of maintaining consistency in Emily's healthcare and educational needs. They agree to communicate effectively and share information regarding appointments, school events, and extracurricular activities to ensure Emily receives comprehensive care and support.

VI. Communication Guidelines

Both parents agree to maintain open and respectful communication regarding matters concerning Emily. Communication shall primarily occur through email and a shared calendar, with both parties committing to promptly respond to messages and requests related to Emily's well-being and schedule.

VII. Decision-making Authority

Major decisions regarding Emily's healthcare and education shall be made jointly by both parents, with [Your Name] having the final decision-making authority in case of disagreement. Both parents pledge to prioritize Emily's best interests when making decisions that impact her welfare and development.

VIII. Temporary Child Support Arrangements

During the duration of this Plan, [Co-Parent's Name] shall pay temporary child support to [Your Name] for $800 per month, starting from April 20, 2050. This temporary support is intended to contribute to Emily's financial needs, including but not limited to housing, food, clothing, and educational expenses, during this transitional period.

IX. Amendments to the Plan

Any amendments to this Plan must be made in writing and signed by both parents. Amendments shall be considered valid only when executed with proper signatures and dated accordingly. Both parents agree to remain flexible and cooperative in addressing any changes or adjustments necessary to meet Emily's evolving needs.

X. Acknowledgement and Signatures

Both parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this Temporary Parenting Plan and agree to abide by its provisions. By signing below, [Your Name] and [Co-Parent's Name] affirm their commitment to fostering a positive co-parenting relationship and prioritizing Emily's well-being during this temporary period.

[Your Name]

Date: [Date]

[Co-Parent's Name]

Date: [Date]

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