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90 Day Career Plan

90 Day Career Plan

I. Personal Information


[Your Name]


[Your Email]

Phone Number:

[Your Phone Number]


[Your Address]


[Your LinkedIn Profile]

II. Goals and Objectives

Main Goals:

  1. Obtain Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification

  2. Lead a cross-functional project team

  3. Develop proficiency in project management software tools


PMP Certification Preparation:

  • Enroll in a reputable PMP exam prep course such as [Course Name].

  • Dedicate a minimum of 2 hours daily for focused study sessions.

  • Take practice exams regularly to identify and address knowledge gaps.

Initiate a Small-scale Project at Work:

  • Identify a feasible project within your current role's scope.

  • Define clear project objectives, scope, and deliverables.

  • Assemble a diverse team and assign roles based on skills and expertise.

Master Project Management Software Tools:

  • Research and select a widely-used project management software.

  • Complete comprehensive online tutorials and user guides.

  • Apply acquired knowledge by practicing with simulated or real projects.

III. SWOT Analysis


  • Strong communication skills facilitate effective team collaboration.

  • Analytical mindset aids in problem-solving and decision-making processes.


  • Limited experience in leading large-scale projects may require additional support and guidance.


  • Networking opportunities through industry events can expand professional connections.

  • Access to online project management courses enables continuous skill development.


  • Competition from experienced project managers may pose challenges in securing leadership roles.

  • Tight project deadlines may increase pressure and demand efficient time management.

IV. Action Plan

Week 1-3:

Objective: Complete PMP certification preparation

  • Enroll in PMP exam prep course

  • Allocate focused time each day for studying PMP materials.

  • Take at least two practice exams to assess understanding and readiness.

Week 4-6:

Objective: Initiate a small-scale project at work

  • Identify a suitable project aligned with organizational goals.

  • Develop a comprehensive project plan detailing tasks, timelines, and resources.

  • Recruit team members and conduct a kickoff meeting to assign roles and responsibilities.

Week 7-9:

Objective: Master project management software tools

  • Research and select project management software such as [software name].

  • Complete tutorials and user guides to familiarize yourself with the software's features.

  • Practice using the software by applying it to a mock project or tasks within your current role.

V. Resources Needed

Financial Resources:

  • Set aside financial resources to cover the costs of the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam and the necessary materials required for study.

Human Resources:

  • Actively pursue guidance and advice from project managers who have a wealth of experience, whether they are part of your current organization or from external sources.

Material Resources:

  • Acquire the necessary licenses for project management software to facilitate hands-on training and practical application.

VI. Progress Tracking

Tracking Method


Weekly review of goals

Assess progress towards goals and objectives on a weekly basis.

Tracking key performance indicators

Monitor key metrics such as completion of study modules and project milestones.

Adjusting action plans

Modify action plans based on feedback and emerging challenges.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, this 90-day career plan outlines strategic objectives aimed at enhancing project management skills and obtaining PMP certification. By diligently following the action plan and leveraging available resources, significant progress can be made towards achieving these goals.

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