Incident Response Test Plan

Incident Response Test Plan



I. Introduction

This Incident Response Test Plan outlines the procedures and guidelines for testing [Your Company Name]'s incident response capabilities. The primary objective is to evaluate and enhance our readiness to detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity incidents effectively.


II. Roles and Responsibilities



Cybersecurity Team

Oversees the planning, execution, and evaluation of the test.

IT Professionals

Participate in the test and implement technical aspects of the response.

Incident Response Team

They are actively responding to simulated incidents as per their designated roles.

Senior Management

Review the test plan and outcomes to ensure alignment with [Your Company Name]'s organizational objectives.

Auditors and Consultants

Provide insights and recommendations for improvement based on the test results.


III. Test Scenarios

Phishing Attack

  • Simulate an email phishing campaign to assess [Your Company Name]'s ability to detect and mitigate phishing attempts.

Malware Outbreak

  • Create a scenario involving the malware outbreak within the network to evaluate response procedures and containment measures.


IV. Testing Procedures


  • Notify relevant stakeholders about the upcoming test and ensure all necessary resources are available.


  • Conduct the test according to predefined scenarios, following established procedures and timelines.


  • Continuously monitor the test progress, documenting observations and any deviations from the plan.


  • Hold a post-test debriefing session to discuss findings, identify strengths and weaknesses, and document lessons learned.


V. Evaluation Criteria

Detection Time

  • Measure the time taken to detect simulated incidents from the initial trigger.

Response Time

  • Evaluate the speed and effectiveness of the response actions taken to contain and mitigate the incident.

Communication Effectiveness

  • Assess the clarity and timeliness of communication among team members and stakeholders during the test.


VI. Communication Plan

Internal Communication

  • Utilize designated communication channels (e.g., email, instant messaging) to share updates and instructions.

External Communication

  • Prepare templates for communicating with external parties (e.g., vendors, customers) in the event of a real incident.


VII. Post-Test Activities


  • Analyze test results, identify areas for improvement, and document observations.


  • Update incident response documentation based on lessons learned and best practices identified during the test.


  • Schedule training sessions to address any gaps or deficiencies identified during the test.


VIII. Appendices

Contact List

  • List of key contacts and their roles during an incident.


  • Checklists for incident detection, containment, and recovery processes.


  • Templates for incident communication, including notifications and status updates.


Plan Templates @