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Architecture Agenda Meeting Minutes

Architecture Agenda Meeting Minutes




List of Attendees:


1. Call to Order

  • The meeting was called to order by [Employee Name] at [Time].

2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • Minutes from the previous meeting held on [Date], were reviewed and approved.

3. Project Updates

  • Green Park Development: [Employee Name] reported that the initial design phase is complete. The client has approved the preliminary sketches. The next steps include finalizing design details and beginning the permit application process.

  • Downtown Office Building Renovation: [Employee Name] updated on the progress of the structural analysis.

4. New Business

  • Client Proposal for Riverside Apartments: [Employee Name] presented a landscape design proposal for the Riverside Apartments project. The team discussed the integration of sustainable design elements, such as rain gardens and native plant species.

5. Software Upgrade

  • Discussion on upgrading to the latest version of AutoCAD to improve efficiency.

  • The decision to schedule a training session for all team members to familiarize themselves with new features.

6. Action Items

  • [Employee Name] to finalize Green Park Development design details by [Date].

  • [Employee Name] to complete the structural analysis report for the Downtown Office Building by [Date].

  • [Employee Name] to revise the Riverside Apartments landscape design based on team feedback and present it at the next meeting.

  • [Employee Name] to organize a training session for the new AutoCAD software by [Date].

7. Next Meeting

  • Scheduled for [Date], at [Time] in [Location].


  • The meeting was adjourned by [Employee Name]at [Time].

Minutes Prepared By:

[Your Name], Junior Architect

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