Architecture Risk Evaluation

Architecture Risk Evaluation

[Your Company Name]

Date: [Date]


This evaluation form is designed to systematically assess architecture risks. It includes criteria that measure the risk levels and provide a structured evaluation.


The goal is to identify and evaluate potential risks in the architecture. This will guide risk mitigation strategies and improve system reliability.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria



Rating (1-5)

System Complexity

Measures how complex the architecture is.

Security Vulnerabilities

Assesses potential security risks.


Evaluates the system's ability to scale.


Looks at the ease of maintenance over time.


Measures the system's efficiency and speed.


Checks how well the system integrates with other systems.

Regulatory Compliance

Evaluates compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Financial Impact

Assesses the financial implications of the architecture.

User Impact

Looks at how the architecture affects end users.


Measures the dependability and uptime of the architecture.

Scale Rating Instructions

  • 1: Very Low Risk

  • 2: Low Risk

  • 3: Moderate Risk

  • 4: High Risk

  • 5: Very High Risk

Please fill out the table above, providing ratings and comments for each criterion to help us better understand the potential risks associated with the architecture. Your feedback is crucial for enhancing our risk mitigation strategies.

Evaluator's Name: [Your Name]
Position: [Your Position]
Date: [Date]

Additional Comments:

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