Architecture Business Evaluation

Architecture Business Evaluation

[Your Company Name]



This evaluation form is designed to systematically assess various business aspects of an architecture project. It includes criteria that measure business impact, feasibility, and strategic alignment.


The goal is to identify and evaluate key business factors in the architecture project. This will guide decision-making and strategic planning to ensure business objectives are met.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria



Rating (1-5)

Business Alignment

Measures how well the architecture aligns with business goals.

Cost Effectiveness

Assesses the cost-benefit ratio of the architecture.

Market Competitiveness

Evaluates the potential of the architecture to provide a competitive advantage.


Evaluates the system's ability to scale to meet business growth.


Looks at the ease and cost of maintenance over time.


Measures the system's efficiency and speed from a business perspective.


Checks how well the system integrates with existing business processes and systems.

Regulatory Compliance

Evaluates compliance with relevant business laws and regulations.

Financial Impact

Assesses the financial implications and ROI of the architecture.

User Impact

Looks at how the architecture affects business users and customers.

Scale Rating Instructions

  • 1: Very Poor

  • 2: Poor

  • 3: Average

  • 4: Good

  • 5: Excellent

Please fill out the table above, providing ratings and comments for each criterion to help us better understand the business implications of the architecture project. Your feedback is crucial for enhancing our strategic planning and decision-making processes.

[Your Company Name]

Evaluator's Name: [Your Name]
Position: [Your Position]
Date: [Date]

Additional Comments:

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