Free Architecture Leave Policy Template



Free Architecture Leave Policy Template

Architecture Leave Policy

I. Introduction

A. Purpose of the Leave Policy

The purpose of the Leave Policy at [Your Company Name] is to provide a clear and structured framework for managing employee leave. This policy ensures that all employees understand their entitlements and responsibilities regarding leave, enabling them to balance their work and personal lives effectively. The policy aims to support employee well-being, promote work-life balance, and maintain operational efficiency within the company.

B. Scope and Applicability

This Leave Policy applies to all employees of [Your Company Name], including full-time, part-time, and contract employees. It covers various types of leave, such as annual leave, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave, bereavement leave, unpaid leave, and special leave. The policy outlines the procedures for applying for leave, the criteria for approval, and the responsibilities of both employees and managers.

C. Policy Statement

[Your Company Name] is committed to providing a fair and transparent leave policy that respects the needs of employees while ensuring the smooth functioning of the company. This policy is designed to comply with relevant employment laws and regulations and to foster a supportive and productive work environment.

II. Types of Leave

A. Annual Leave

Annual leave is a paid time off provided to employees for rest, recreation, and personal activities.

Employee Category

Entitlement (Days)

Accumulation Limit

Carry-Forward Policy




Up to 10 days




Up to 5 days


As per contract

As per contract

As per contract

B. Sick Leave

Sick leave is granted to employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury.

Sick Leave Type

Entitlement (Days)

Documentation Required

Short-term Sick Leave


Medical certificate for absences over 3 days

Long-term Sick Leave

Up to 6 months

Detailed medical report

C. Maternity/Paternity Leave

Maternity and paternity leave are provided to support employees during the birth or adoption of a child.

Leave Type

Entitlement (Weeks)


Maternity Leave


Pre- and post-natal leave included

Paternity Leave


Must be taken within 4 weeks of birth/adoption

D. Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave is provided to employees who have lost an immediate family member.


Entitlement (Days)


Immediate Family


Spouse, child, parent

Extended Family


Sibling, grandparent

E. Unpaid Leave

Unpaid leave may be granted under special circumstances when paid leave is not applicable.

Reason for Unpaid Leave

Approval Conditions

Personal Reasons

Subject to managerial discretion

Educational Purposes

Must provide evidence of educational activity

F. Special Leave

Special leave covers leave for jury duty, military service, and other specific situations.

Special Leave Type

Entitlement (Days)

Documentation Required

Jury Duty

As required

Jury summons

Military Service

As required

Official military orders

III. Eligibility Criteria

A. Employee Categories Eligible for Leave

  • Full-time Employees: All types of leave

  • Part-time Employees: Pro-rated annual leave, sick leave, and special leave

  • Contract Employees: Leave as specified in the contract

B. Minimum Service Period

  • Employees must complete a minimum of six months of continuous service to be eligible for annual leave and sick leave.

  • Maternity/paternity leave is available from the date of employment, subject to statutory requirements.

  • Bereavement and special leave are available from the date of employment.

C. Provisions for Part-time and Contract Employees

Part-time employees' leave entitlements are calculated on a pro-rata basis, reflecting the number of hours worked. Contract employees' leave entitlements are determined by the terms of their employment contracts.

IV. Leave Entitlement

A. Annual Leave Entitlement

Employees are entitled to 20 days of annual leave per year, which accumulates monthly. Employees can carry forward up to 10 days of unused leave to the next year, with a maximum accumulation limit of 40 days.

Example Calculation:

  • If an employee takes 15 days of leave in a year, they can carry forward 5 days.

  • If they do not take any leave, they can carry forward the full 10 days, up to a maximum of 40 days.

B. Sick Leave Entitlement

Sick leave is divided into short-term and long-term leave:

  • Short-term Sick Leave: Up to 10 days per year, with a medical certificate required for absences exceeding three days.

  • Long-term Sick Leave: Up to six months, requiring a detailed medical report.

C. Maternity/Paternity Leave Entitlement

  • Maternity Leave: 12 weeks, including pre-and post-natal leave. Employees may begin maternity leave up to six weeks before the expected due date.

  • Paternity Leave: 2 weeks, to be taken within four weeks of the birth or adoption of a child.

D. Bereavement Leave Entitlement

  • Immediate Family: 5 days of paid leave.

  • Extended Family: 2 days of paid leave.

E. Unpaid Leave Entitlement

Unpaid leave is granted based on managerial discretion for personal reasons and educational purposes. Employees must provide supporting documentation, such as a letter of acceptance from an educational institution.

F. Special Leave Entitlement

Special leave is granted for specific situations, such as jury duty or military service, with appropriate documentation.


  • An employee called for jury duty must provide the jury summons to receive leave.

  • An employee called for military service must provide official military orders.

V. Application and Approval Process

A. Leave Application Procedure

Employees must submit a leave application form at least two weeks in advance for planned leave. The form must include the type of leave, dates requested, and any supporting documentation.

Leave Type

Submission Deadline

Annual Leave

2 weeks in advance

Sick Leave

As soon as possible

Maternity/Paternity Leave

4 weeks before start date

Bereavement Leave

Within 3 days of the event

Special Leave

As soon as possible

B. Leave Approval Process

Leave requests are reviewed and approved by the employee's immediate manager. The manager must ensure that the leave does not disrupt departmental operations and that adequate coverage is available.

  1. Steps for Approval:

  • Employee submits the leave application form.

  • Manager reviews the request and checks for any potential conflicts.

  • Manager approves or rejects the request and notifies the employee within five business days.

  • Approved leave is recorded in the company’s leave management system.

C. Emergency Leave Procedures

In case of emergencies, employees must inform their manager as soon as possible and submit the leave application and supporting documentation upon their return.

Documentation Type

Submission Deadline

Medical Certificate

Within 3 days of return

Bereavement Proof

Within 5 days of the leave start

VI. Leave Recording and Monitoring

A. Leave Recording System

[Your Company Name] employs a dual approach for recording leave: manual and digital systems. This ensures accuracy, transparency, and ease of access for both employees and managers.

  1. Manual Recording System:

  • Employees fill out a leave application form and submit it to their immediate manager.

  • Approved forms are filed in the employee's personnel file.

  • HR maintains a centralized log of all approved leave applications.

  1. Digital Recording System:

  • Employees submit leave applications through the company’s HR software.

  • Approved leave is automatically recorded in the system, which is accessible to both employees and managers.

  • The system provides real-time updates on leave balances and usage.


Process Summary



Physical form submission and HR log maintenance

Limited to HR and Manager


Submission through HR software, real-time updates

Accessible to Employee, HR, Manager

B. Monitoring Leave Usage

Monitoring leave usage is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency and ensuring employees do not exceed their leave entitlements.

  1. Regular Leave Audits:

  • Conducted quarterly by the HR department.

  • Review the accuracy of leave records and identify any discrepancies.

  • Ensures compliance with leave policies.

  1. Addressing Excessive Leave:

  • Employees exceeding their leave entitlement are flagged.

  • HR conducts a review and discusses it with the respective manager.

  • A plan is devised to manage and reduce excessive leave usage.



Responsible Department

Leave Audits



Discrepancy Review

As needed

HR and Department Heads

VII. Return to Work

A. Notification of Return

Employees are required to notify their immediate manager and HR of their return to work at least two days before the end of their leave. This allows for proper planning and handover of responsibilities.



Responsible Party


Notify the Manager and HR



Confirm return date and work schedule



Update leave status in the HR system


B. Rejoining Work

Upon returning, employees must ensure they have the necessary medical clearances (if applicable) and are ready to resume their duties.

  1. Clearance from Medical Practitioner:

  • Required for employees returning from sick leave exceeding three days.

  • Must be submitted to HR before resuming work.

  1. Reorientation or Training:

  • If an employee has been on leave for more than a month, a brief reorientation or training session is conducted.

  • This ensures the employee is updated on any changes or new procedures implemented during their absence.


Applicable Leave Type

Process Summary

Medical Clearance

Sick Leave (3+ days)

Submit certificate to HR


Leave exceeding 1 month

Attend a session with the immediate manager

VIII. Impact on Salary and Benefits

A. Leave Without Pay Implications

Employees taking leave without pay (LWOP) should understand its implications on their salary and benefits.

  1. Impact on Salary:

  • Salary is prorated based on the number of unpaid leave days taken.

  • Employees receive a reduced salary for the period of LWOP.

  1. Impact on Bonuses and Incentives:

  • Bonuses and incentives are calculated based on actual days worked.

  • LWOP days are excluded from the calculation, potentially reducing the overall bonus or incentive amount.


Calculation Basis

Monthly Salary

(Monthly Salary / Workdays) * Worked Days


Pro-rated based on actual worked days

B. Continuity of Benefits During Leave

Employee benefits such as health insurance, pension contributions, and other statutory benefits continue during paid leave. However, during LWOP, the continuity of certain benefits may be affected.

  1. Health Insurance:

  • Continues during paid leave.

  • Employees must pay the full premium during LWOP to maintain coverage.

  1. Pension Contributions:

  • Contributions continue during paid leave.

  • No contributions are made during LWOP, potentially affecting the total pension accumulation.


Paid Leave

Unpaid Leave

Health Insurance

Coverage continues

Full premium payment required

Pension Contributions

Contributions continue

No contributions

IX. Policy Compliance and Enforcement

A. Responsibilities of Employees

Employees are responsible for understanding and adhering to the leave policy. They must:

  • Submit leave applications on time.

  • Provide necessary documentation (e.g., medical certificates).

  • Notify managers of any changes in their leave plans.

  1. Consequences of Non-compliance:

  • Unauthorized absences are recorded as leave without pay.

  • Repeated non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action.



Timely Submission

Apply for leave as per guidelines


Provide required documents


Inform changes promptly

B. Responsibilities of Managers

Managers play a crucial role in enforcing the leave policy. They must:

  • Review and approve leave applications.

  • Ensure adequate coverage during employee absences.

  • Monitor leave usage within their teams.



Application Review

Assess and approve leave requests

Coverage Planning

Ensure team coverage during leave


Track leave usage and address issues

C. Consequences of Policy Violation

Violations of the leave policy, by either employees or managers, are taken seriously.

  1. For Employees:

  • Unauthorized leave leads to deductions in salary and potential disciplinary action.

  1. For Managers:

  • Failure to comply with policy enforcement may result in managerial review and necessary action.

Violation Type


Unauthorized Leave

Salary deduction, disciplinary action

Non-compliance by Manager

Managerial review, action

X. Policy Review and Amendments

A. Frequency of Policy Review

The leave policy is reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and compliant with current laws and organizational needs.

  1. Annual Review Process:

  • Conducted by the HR department.

  • Involves feedback from employees and managers.

  • Assesses the effectiveness and fairness of the policy.



Responsible Party

Policy Review



Feedback Collection

During review

HR and Department Heads

B. Procedure for Policy Amendments

Amendments to the policy are made based on the annual review and any changes in relevant laws.

  1. Amendment Process:

  • Identify areas needing change based on feedback and review.

  • Draft amendments and seek approval from senior management.

  • Communicate changes to all employees.



Responsible Party


Highlight areas needing change



Create amendment proposals



Seek management approval

Senior Management


Inform employees about changes


C. Communication of Changes to Employees

Changes to the leave policy are communicated through multiple channels to ensure all employees are informed.

  1. Communication Methods:

  • Email notifications.

  • Updates in the employee handbook.

  • Briefing sessions during team meetings.




Send detailed email notification

Handbook Update

Revise employee handbook

Team Meetings

Brief employees during meetings

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