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Architecture HR Procedure

I. Purpose

The purpose of this Architecture HR Procedure is to outline the standardized steps and guidelines for managing human resources within [Your Company Name]. This ensures that all HR activities are conducted professionally, consistently, and in compliance with applicable laws and company policies. This document aims to provide clarity and structure to HR processes, ensuring fairness, transparency, and efficiency in managing human resources.

II. Scope

This procedure applies to all employees, contractors, and consultants working within [Your Company Name] across all locations and departments. It covers various HR functions, including recruitment, performance management, training and development, compliance, and record-keeping. This procedure is designed to ensure that all HR activities align with the company’s strategic objectives and values.

III. Responsibilities

The following roles are responsible for implementing and following this procedure:

Job Title


[Your Job Title]

Overseeing the overall execution of HR procedures.

[HR Manager]

Managing day-to-day HR operations.

[Line Managers]

Ensuring departmental compliance with HR policies.


Adhering to the guidelines set forth in this procedure.

Each role plays a crucial part in maintaining an effective HR system, with clear accountability and collaboration to achieve the company's HR objectives.

IV. Procedure

This section outlines the step-by-step processes involved in various HR activities. It provides detailed instructions on recruitment and hiring, performance management, and training and development. These procedures are designed to ensure that all HR tasks are performed consistently and in alignment with the company’s goals and legal requirements.

A. Recruitment and Hiring

1. Identify the Need for a New Hire

  • Department heads assess staffing needs and determine the necessity for additional personnel.

  • A staffing request is prepared and submitted to the HR department.

2. HR Review and Approval

  • The HR department reviews the staffing request considering the current staffing needs and budget constraints.

  • Approval or denial of the request is communicated back to the department head.

3. Job Posting and Advertisement

  • Create a detailed job description outlining responsibilities, qualifications, and necessary skills.

  • Post the job opening on various job boards, company website, and social media platforms to attract a diverse pool of candidates.

4. Screening and Interviewing

  • The HR department conducts an initial screening of resumes to shortlist potential candidates.

  • Conduct initial phone interviews to further narrow down the candidates.

  • Schedule in-person or virtual interviews with the hiring manager and relevant team members.

5. Job Offer and Onboarding

  • Extend a job offer to the selected candidate, including details of the position, salary, and benefits.

  • Send out onboarding documents and schedule an orientation session to acclimate the new hire to the company.

B. Performance Management

1. Set Performance Goals

  • Employees and managers collaboratively set annual performance goals, aligning individual objectives with company targets.

2. Continuous Feedback and Reviews

  • Conduct quarterly performance reviews to assess progress towards goals.

  • Provide continuous feedback and coaching throughout the year to support employee development.

3. Annual Performance Evaluation

  • Perform a formal evaluation at the end of the year, summarizing the employee’s performance.

  • Discuss the evaluation results and set goals for the upcoming year.

C. Training and Development

1. Identify Training Needs

  • Assess employees' skills and identify gaps that need to be addressed to enhance performance and productivity.

2. Organize Training Programs

  • Plan and schedule relevant training sessions, ensuring they are aligned with the company's strategic goals.

  • Ensure participation from relevant employees to maximize the impact of the training programs.

3. Evaluate Training Effectiveness

  • Gather feedback from participants to assess the relevance and quality of the training.

  • Measure the impact on performance and productivity to determine the effectiveness of the training programs.

V. Compliance and Reporting

Compliance with local, state, and federal employment laws is crucial to maintaining the integrity and legality of HR operations within [Your Company Name]. Ensuring adherence to these regulations not only protects the company from potential legal issues but also promotes a fair and equitable workplace. The following steps outline how [Your Company Name] will maintain compliance and address any non-compliance issues:

1. Regular Audits and Reviews

  • Conduct regular audits: The HR department should conduct regular audits of HR practices and procedures to ensure compliance with current employment laws and regulations. This includes reviewing hiring practices, employee records, and workplace policies.

  • Update policies as needed: Based on audit findings, HR should update policies and procedures to address any gaps in compliance. This ensures that the company remains up-to-date with any changes in the law.

2. Training and Awareness

  • Employee training: Regular training sessions should be conducted to ensure that all employees, including managers and supervisors, are aware of relevant employment laws and company policies. This includes anti-discrimination laws, workplace safety regulations, and other pertinent legal requirements.

  • Managerial support: Line managers should be provided with additional training and resources to help them understand their role in maintaining compliance. This includes recognizing and addressing potential compliance issues within their departments.

3. Reporting Mechanisms

  • Establish reporting channels: Clear and confidential reporting mechanisms should be established for employees to report any compliance issues or concerns. This could include an anonymous hotline, a dedicated email address, or an online reporting system.

  • Immediate response: Any reported compliance issues should be addressed immediately. The HR department should investigate the matter thoroughly and take appropriate corrective action to resolve the issue.

4. Documentation and Record-Keeping

  • Maintain accurate records: Accurate and up-to-date records should be maintained for all HR activities, including hiring, performance reviews, training, and compliance reports. These records should be securely stored and easily accessible for review during audits or investigations.

  • Regular updates: Ensure that all employee records and documentation are regularly updated to reflect any changes in employment status, training completion, or compliance-related activities.

5. External Compliance Support

  • Engage with legal experts: When necessary, [Your Company Name] should engage with legal experts or external consultants to review HR practices and ensure compliance with complex employment laws. This provides an additional layer of assurance and helps address any legal ambiguities.

By implementing these steps, [Your Company Name] ensures a proactive approach to maintaining compliance with employment laws. This not only helps avoid legal penalties but also fosters a workplace environment that is fair, respectful, and legally sound. Maintaining high standards of compliance reflects the company’s commitment to ethical business practices and enhances its reputation as a responsible employer.

VI. Documentation and Record-Keeping

The following documents should be maintained and updated regularly:

  • Employee records: Personal details, employment history, and performance data.

  • Performance reviews: Documentation of performance evaluations and feedback sessions.

  • Training logs: Records of training programs attended by employees, including dates and outcomes.

  • Compliance reports: Documentation of compliance with employment laws and internal policies.

Proper documentation and record-keeping are crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability within the HR processes.

VII. Review and Updates

This procedure should be reviewed and updated annually or as required to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Changes in laws, company policies, or strategic objectives should prompt an immediate review of the procedures to maintain alignment and compliance.

VIII. Contact Information

For any questions or clarifications regarding this procedure, please contact:


Contact Person

Contact Details

HR Manager

[HR Manager Name]

[HR Manager Contact]

This procedure is prepared by [Your Name]. Their official company details are the following:

  • Company Name: [Your Company Name]

  • Company Email: [Your Company Email]

  • Company Address: [Your Company Address]

  • Company Phone Number: [Your Company Number]

  • Company Website: [Your Company Website]

  • Company Social Media Page: [Your Company Social Media]

Maintaining a clear and comprehensive HR procedure ensures the smooth functioning of HR activities, promoting a productive and positive work environment within [Your Company Name]. This document serves as a guideline for all HR-related processes, ensuring consistency and compliance across the organization.

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