Regression Test Plan

Regression Test Plan

I. Introduction

This Regression Test Plan is prepared by [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR COMPANY NAME].Our company specializes in innovative tech solutions. This plan aims to ensure the stability and functionality of our software following recent deployments. It covers objectives, scope, strategies, test cases, resources, schedule, entry and exit criteria, risk management, and reporting for regression testing starting January 1, 2050.

II. Objective and Scope

A. Objective

The objective of this Regression Test Plan is to ensure that the recent deployment has not adversely affected the existing functionalities of the software application. This includes verifying that:

  • New features are working as expected.

  • Existing functionalities are not broken.

  • Performance and security standards are maintained.

B. Scope

The scope of the regression testing will cover:

  • Critical Business Functionalities: Key operations that are essential to the business process.

  • High-Risk Areas: Components or modules most likely to be affected by recent changes.

  • Key Integrations: Interfaces and interactions with other systems.

  • User Interface and User Experience: Ensuring that the user interface is consistent and user-friendly.

III. Test Strategy

A. Approach

  • Manual Testing: Focus on areas that require human judgment, such as UI/UX and exploratory testing.

  • Automated Testing: Use automated scripts for repetitive and regression-prone areas.

B. Types of Tests

Test Type


Smoke Tests

Basic tests to ensure application stability.

Functional Tests

Detailed tests of specific functionalities.

Integration Tests

Ensuring different parts work together.

Performance Tests

Checking application performance under load.

Security Tests

Verifying no new security vulnerabilities.

C. Tools

Tool Type

Tool Name

Automation Tool


Test Management Tool


Continuous Integration


D. Test Environment



Operating Systems

Windows 10, MacOS 10.15


Chrome, Firefox, Safari


MySQL 8.0

Application Server

Apache Tomcat 9.0

IV. Test Cases

A. Test Case Selection

Regression tests will include:

  • Smoke Tests: Ensure the application is stable.

  • Critical Path Tests: Key functionalities that must always work.

  • Impact Area Tests: Areas most likely affected by recent changes.

  • Boundary Tests: Testing the limits of application functionalities.

B. Example Test Cases

Test Case ID

Test Case Description

Expected Result


Verify login with valid credentials

User successfully logs in


Verify error message for invalid login attempts

Error message displayed


Verify user profile update

Profile information updated and reflected in the database


Verify transaction processing

Transactions completed successfully and accurately


Verify search functionality

Accurate and relevant search results displayed

V. Resources

A. Team Members



Test Manager


QA Lead


Test Engineers


B. Roles and Responsibilities



Test Manager

Oversee the regression testing process, ensure resources are allocated, handle reporting, and coordinate with other departments.

QA Lead

Coordinate test activities, manage test case execution, report issues, and ensure adherence to test strategies.

Test Engineers

Execute test cases, report defects, verify fixes, and maintain test documentation.

VI. Schedule

A. Timeline


Start Date

End Date

Test Planning

January 1, 2050

January 3, 2050

Test Case Development

January 4, 2050

January 7, 2050

Test Execution

January 8, 2050

January 15, 2050

Defect Reporting & Retesting

January 16, 2050

January 20, 2050

Test Completion

January 21, 2050


VII. Entry and Exit Criteria

A. Entry Criteria


Deployment of the new build in the test environment.

Updated test cases and automation scripts.

Test environment is set up and stable.

Approval from the development team to start testing.

B. Exit Criteria


All critical and high-priority test cases were executed.

No critical or high-severity defects remain unresolved.

Test summary report reviewed and approved by stakeholders.

Sign-off from QA Lead and Test Manager.

VIII. Risk Management

A. Potential Risks



Resource Availability

Risk of key team members being unavailable.

Environment Issues

Potential issues with test environment stability.

Defect Leakage

Risk of defects not being detected during regression testing.

Automation Failures

Risks associated with automated test script failures.

B. Mitigation Strategies



Resource Backup

Have backup resources available for critical roles.

Environment Monitoring

Regularly monitor and maintain the test environment.

Comprehensive Testing

Ensure thorough test case coverage and prompt defect resolution.

Automation Maintenance

Regularly update and maintain automation scripts.

IX. Reporting

A. Test Reports

Report Type


Daily Test Execution Report

Summary of test cases executed, passed, and failed.

Example: "January 10, 2050: Executed 50 test cases, 45 passed, 5 failed."

Defect Report

Details of defects found, their status, and resolution progress. Example: "Defect ID 82948: Critical - Login fails with valid credentials.

Status: Open, Assigned to Developer."

Final Test Summary Report

Overall summary of regression testing, including key metrics and findings.

Example: "Regression Testing Summary - January 21, 2050: Total Test Cases: 200, Passed: 190, Failed: 10, Critical Defects: 0."

X. Approval

Approved by




Test Manager

January 21, 2050

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