Website Test Plan

Website Test Plan

I. Introduction


This Website Test Plan outlines the testing strategy and process for launching the [Your Company Name] website. The website is an e-commerce platform that sells clothing and accessories for outdoor enthusiasts. This document will serve as a guide to ensure the website meets all specified requirements and functions as expected.


  • Verify that the website performs correctly across various devices and browsers.

  • Ensure all functional and non-functional requirements are met, such as allowing users to browse products, add them to cart, and securely checkout.

  • Identify and resolve any defects prior to the website's public launch.


Testing will cover the following aspects:

  • User Interface (UI): Check the layout, design, and responsiveness of the website.

  • Functionality: Verify that all links, forms, and interactive elements work as intended.

  • Performance: Test the website's loading speed and responsiveness under different traffic conditions.

  • Security: Conduct security testing to ensure user data is protected.

  • Usability: Evaluate the website's ease of use and overall user experience.

  • Compatibility: Ensure the website works across different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and devices (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android).

II. Test Strategy

Testing Types

  1. Functional Testing

    • Verify links and navigation.

    • Test form validation.

    • Test user authentication and authorization.

  2. Non-Functional Testing

    • Performance testing using JMeter to simulate high traffic conditions.

    • Security testing using tools like OWASP ZAP to identify vulnerabilities.

  3. Compatibility Testing

    • Test the website on different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and devices (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android).

  4. Usability Testing

    • Conduct user testing to evaluate the website's ease of use and user satisfaction.

  5. Regression Testing

    • Ensure that new code changes do not introduce defects in existing functionalities.


  • Automated Testing Tools: Selenium for automated functional testing.

  • Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA for tracking and managing defects.

  • Performance Testing Tools: JMeter for performance testing.

III. Test Environment


  • Server: Windows Server 2050 with 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD.

  • Client: Desktop (Windows 2050, macOS) and Mobile (iOS, Android) devices.


  • Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge.

  • Operating Systems: Windows 2050, macOS, iOS, Android.


  • Internet Accessibility: Minimum bandwidth of 5Mbps for testing.

IV. Test Schedule



Planning Phase

May 1, 2050, to May 5, 2050

Setup Test Environment

May 6, 2050, to May 10, 2050

Test Case Development

May 11, 2050, to May 15, 2050

Test Execution Phase

May 16, 2050, to May 20, 2050

Defect Reporting & Fixing


Final Testing & Sign-off

May 21, 2050, to May 25, 2050



Initial Testing Completion

May 20, 2050

Defect Fixing Completion

May 24, 2050

Final Approval

May 26, 2050

V. Test Deliverables


  • Test Plan Document.

  • Test Cases.

  • Test Scripts.

  • Test Summary Report.

  • Defect Report.


  • Test Case Execution Status.

  • Defect Density.

  • Test Coverage.

  • Mean Time to Repair (MTTR).

VI. Roles & Responsibilities

Project Manager

  • Name: [Your Name]

  • Responsibilities: Oversees the entire project, budget allocations, milestones, resources.

QA Lead

  • Name: [QA Lead Name]

  • Responsibilities: Coordinates all QA activities, ensures testing processes are followed.

QA Analyst

  • Name: [QA Analyst Name]

  • Responsibilities: Develops and executes test cases, reports defects.


  • Name: [Developers Names]

  • Responsibilities: Fixes bugs, updates code.

VII. Entry and Exit Criteria

Entry Criteria

  • Requirements and design documents are signed off.

  • Test environment is available and setup.

  • Test data is prepared.

Exit Criteria

  • All planned test cases executed.

  • All critical defects are resolved.

  • Acceptance criteria met.

VIII. Risks and Mitigation

Possible Risks

  • Delays in setting up the test environment.

  • Unavailability of test data.

  • Last-minute requirement changes.

Mitigation Plan

  • Schedule buffer time.

  • Backup test environment setup.

  • Regular communication with stakeholders.

IX. Approval and Sign-off





Project Manager

[Your Name]


QA Lead

[QA Lead Name]



[Stakeholder Name]


This website test plan document ensures that [Your Company Name]'s e-commerce website will meet its quality standards before it is released to the public.

Plan Templates @