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Nurses Recruitment Plan

Nurses Recruitment Plan


I. Executive Summary

The Nurses Recruitment Plan aims to strategically address staffing shortages within [Your Company Name] by outlining targeted strategies for attracting, selecting, and hiring qualified nurses. This plan emphasizes proactive measures to maintain high standards of patient care amidst fluctuating staffing levels.


II. Introduction

[Your Company Name] recognizes the critical importance of nursing staff in delivering quality healthcare services. This plan is developed in response to identified staffing challenges to ensure adequate nurse staffing levels to meet patient needs effectively.


III. Recruitment Objectives

  • Fill 20 nursing positions within 6 months.

  • Attract candidates with relevant qualifications and experience.

  • Increase diversity within the nursing workforce by 15% over 1 year.


IV. Recruitment Strategies

  • Utilize targeted advertising campaigns on professional nursing websites and social media platforms.

  • Establish partnerships with local nursing schools and universities to recruit recent graduates.

  • Attend job fairs and industry conferences to network with potential candidates.

  • Offer referral bonuses to current staff for successful nurse referrals.

  • Utilize employee referral programs to incentivize staff involvement in recruitment efforts.


V. Selection Process

Application Review

  • HR personnel screen applications to identify qualified candidates.

Initial Interviews

  • Conduct preliminary interviews to assess candidate suitability.

Skills Assessments

  • Administer skills assessments or job-related tests as needed.

Panel Interviews

  • Conduct interviews with department heads or hiring managers.

Reference Checks

  • Verify candidate credentials and previous work experience.

Offer Negotiation

  • Extend job offers to selected candidates and negotiate terms as necessary.


VI. Timeline

Month 1

Launch a recruitment campaign and begin accepting applications.

Month 2

Review applications and conduct initial interviews.

Month 3

Conduct skills assessments and panel interviews.

Month 4

Complete reference checks and extend job offers.

Month 5

Onboard new hires and commence orientation/training.


VII. Budget

Advertising Costs

  • Allocate $10,000 for online and print advertising.

Recruitment Events

  • Budget $5,000 for attending job fairs and conferences.

Travel Expenses

  • Cover travel expenses for candidates invited to interviews.

Referral Bonuses

  • Allocate $1,000 for employee referral bonuses.


  • Reserve $2,000 for unforeseen recruitment expenses.


VIII. Metrics and Evaluation

Applicant Conversion Rates

  • Track the percentage of applicants who progress through each stage of the recruitment process.


  • Measure the average time taken to fill nursing positions from the initiation of recruitment efforts.

Retention Rates

  • Assess the percentage of new hires who remain employed beyond the probationary period.

Diversity Metrics

  • Monitor progress towards increasing diversity within the nursing workforce.


IX. Contingency Plans

  • Explore alternative recruitment channels if initial strategies yield insufficient candidates.

  • Offer flexible work arrangements or competitive benefits packages to attract and retain qualified nurses.

  • Consider outsourcing recruitment efforts to specialized agencies if internal resources prove inadequate.


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