Business Leave Request Form

Business Leave Request Form

Please fill out the following details accurately. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the HR department. Thank you!

I. Employee Information

II. Leave Details

Type of Leave

    • Annual Leave

    • Sick Leave

    • Unpaid Leave

    • Maternity/Paternity Leave

    • Bereavement Leave

    • Other...

    Start Date   End Date   Total No. of Days  

    III. Additional Information

    Backup Coverage Arrangement

      • Delegated tasks to team member

      • Handover document prepared

      • Other...

      IV. Contact Information During Leave

      V. Approval

      Supervisor Approval

        • Approved

        • Denied

        • Further Discussion Required

        VI. HR Approval

        HR Approval

          • Approved

          • Denied

          • Further Discussion Required

          Leave Request Form Templates @