Business Volunteer Form

Business Volunteer Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with [Your Company Name]. Please fill out the following form to apply as a volunteer.

I. Personal Information

II. Volunteer Preferences

Which area(s) are you interested in volunteering for?

Check all that apply.

    • Event Planning

    • Marketing and Communications

    • Fundraising

    • Community Outreach

    • Administrative Support

    Please indicate your availability

      • Weekdays (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

      • Evenings (5:00 PM - 9:00 PM)

      • Weekends (10:00 AM - 4:00 PM)

      How many hours per week are you willing to commit to volunteering?

        • Less than 5 hours

        • 5-10 hours

        • 10-15 hours

        • More than 15 hours

        III. Skills and Experience

        1. Please list any relevant skills or experience you have that you believe would benefit our organization:

          Your skills/experience  

        Your skills/experience   

        Your skills/experience   

        Have you volunteered for any other organizations in the past? If yes, please provide details:

          IV. Motivation

          What motivates you to volunteer with us?

            What do you hope to gain from your volunteer experience with us?

              V. References

              Please provide the contact information for two references who can speak to your character and work ethic.

              Reference #1:

              Name   Email   Phone  

              Reference #2:

              Name   Email   Phone  

              VI. Additional Information

              Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your volunteer interests?

                Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. We appreciate your interest in volunteering with [Your Company Name]. We will review your application and get back to you soon. If you have any questions, please contact us at [Your Company Email].

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