Architecture Payment Policy

Architecture Payment Policy

I. Payment Structure

A. Fee Types

Our fee structure is designed to accommodate the diverse needs of our clients and projects. We utilize the following fee types:

  • Fixed Fee: A set amount agreed upon for the entire project, regardless of the time spent or resources used.

  • Hourly Rate: Charges based on the actual time spent on the project, billed at an hourly rate.

  • Percentage of Construction Cost: A fee calculated as a percentage of the total construction cost, typically used for larger projects.

  • Retainer Fee: An upfront fee paid in advance to secure our services and cover initial project costs.

B. Payment Methods Accepted

We strive to make the payment process as convenient as possible for our clients. We accept the following payment methods:

  • Bank transfers

  • Checks

  • Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)

  • Online payment platforms (e.g., PayPal, Stripe)

II. Invoicing Procedures

A. Invoice Schedule

Invoices will be issued according to the following schedule to ensure timely and transparent billing:

  • Monthly invoices for ongoing projects

  • Upon completion of specific project milestones

  • At the end of the project for final billing

B. Invoice Details and Requirements

Each invoice will include the following details to provide clarity and ensure accurate billing:

  • Invoice number

  • Date of issuance

  • Detailed description of services rendered

  • Amount due

  • Payment due date

  • Payment instructions

C. Delivery Method for Invoices

Invoices will be delivered to clients using the following methods to ensure prompt receipt:

  • Email (preferred method)

  • Postal mail (upon request)

  • Online client portal (if applicable)

III. Payment Terms

A. Payment Due Dates

Payments are due within 30 days of the invoice date unless otherwise specified in the contract. Timely payments are essential to maintain project schedules and ensure continuous service delivery.

B. Late Payment Penalties

Late payments will incur a penalty to encourage timely payments and cover administrative costs. A late fee of 1.5% per month on the overdue amount will be applied for payments not received within the 30-day period.

C. Early Payment Discounts

To encourage prompt payment, we offer the following early payment discounts. A 2% discount on the total invoice amount if payment is received within 10 days of the invoice date.

IV. Retainer and Deposits

A. Initial Retainer Fees

An initial retainer fee is required to secure our services and commence work on the project. This fee will be outlined in the contract and must be paid before any work begins.

B. Deposit Requirements

For certain services or projects, additional deposits may be required. These deposits will be clearly stated in the contract and must be paid according to the agreed-upon schedule.

C. Conditions for Refund of Deposits

Deposits may be refundable under specific conditions outlined in the contract, such as project cancellation by the client within a specified period. Refund requests must be submitted in writing and will be processed according to the terms agreed upon.

V. Milestone Payments

A. Definition of Project Milestones

Project milestones are significant phases or achievements within the project timeline that trigger payment events. These milestones will be clearly defined in the project contract.

B. Payment Schedule for Milestones

Payments will be structured around the completion of key project milestones. Below is a typical milestone payment schedule:


Due Date

Initial Retainer

Upon signing of contract

Completion of Schematic Design

30 days after start

Completion of Design Development

90 days after start

Completion of Construction Docs

180 days after start

Start of Construction

Upon commencement

Midpoint of Construction

Halfway through construction

Project Completion

Upon project completion

C. Conditions for Milestone Payment Release

Milestone payments will be released upon the satisfactory completion of the defined project milestones. Completion will be verified through progress reports, inspections, or other agreed-upon methods. If there are any issues or delays, they must be addressed and resolved before the release of the payment.

VI. Additional Services and Expenses

A. Charges for Additional Services

Additional services outside the original scope of work will be billed separately. These services may include, but are not limited to, revisions requested by the client, additional design work, or unforeseen project changes. The charges for these services will be based on our standard hourly rates or a pre-agreed fixed fee.

B. Reimbursable Expenses

Certain project-related expenses incurred by us on behalf of the client are considered reimbursable. These expenses include travel costs, printing and reproduction costs, material samples, and other direct project costs. All reimbursable expenses will be itemized and included in the monthly invoices.

C. Approval Process for Additional Services

Before any additional services are undertaken, a detailed proposal outlining the scope, cost, and timeline will be provided to the client. Written approval from the client is required before proceeding with any additional services. This ensures transparency and mutual agreement on the scope and cost of the additional work.

VII. Dispute Resolution

A. Procedures for Disputing Invoices

If a client has concerns or disputes an invoice, they must notify us in writing within 15 days of the invoice date. The notification should include the invoice number, the amount in dispute, and a detailed explanation of the issue. We will review the dispute and respond within 10 business days to resolve the matter.

B. Methods for Resolving Payment Disputes

Payment disputes will be addressed through a structured resolution process, which may include negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. Initially, both parties will attempt to resolve the dispute through direct negotiation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, mediation by a neutral third party will be sought. As a final step, binding arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

VIII. Confidentiality and Privacy

A. Protection of Payment Information

We are committed to protecting the payment information of our clients. All payment transactions are processed through secure systems to ensure the confidentiality and security of financial data. Access to payment information is restricted to authorized personnel only.

B. Confidentiality Agreements

We will maintain the confidentiality of all client information related to the project, including payment details, project plans, and communications. Confidentiality agreements will be signed by both parties to formalize the commitment to safeguarding sensitive information.

IX. Amendments and Updates

A. Process for Amending the Payment Policy

We reserve the right to amend this payment policy as necessary. Any amendments will be made in writing and approved by senior management. The revised policy will be documented and made available to all relevant parties.

B. Notification of Changes to Clients

Clients will be notified of any changes to the payment policy at least 30 days before the changes take effect. Notifications will be sent via email or postal mail and will include a summary of the changes and the effective date. This ensures that clients are fully informed and have sufficient time to review the updates.
