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School Counseling Treatment Plan

School Counseling Treatment Plan

Prepared by:








I. Student Information

Student Name: [STUDENT'S NAME]


Date of Birth: [DATE OF BIRTH]

Contact Information: [STUDENT'S PHONE NUMBER]

II. Assessment Summary

The student demonstrates signs of social anxiety and academic stress, as indicated by the following:

  • Frequent absenteeism

  • Lack of participation in class activities

  • Decline in academic performance

  • Expressing feelings of overwhelm and anxiety

III. Goals and Objectives

Primary Goals:

  1. Improve social interaction skills

  2. Reduce academic-related stress

  3. Enhance focus and engagement in class

Short-Term Objectives:

  1. Attend school social skills training sessions weekly

  2. Develop a personalized study schedule

  3. Participate in group counseling sessions bi-weekly

IV. Intervention Strategies




Individual Counseling


30 minutes

Group Counseling


1 hour

Social Skills Training


45 minutes

V. Monitoring and Evaluation


Evaluation Method

Target Date

Reduce absenteeism by 50%

Attendance Records

June 1, 2050

Improve grades in core subjects

Report Cards

December 15, 2050

Active participation in class

Teacher Observations

March 30, 2051

VI. Follow-Up Plan

Regular follow-up sessions and periodic assessments will be conducted to ensure the student’s continuous improvement. The follow-up schedule includes:

Monthly Individual Counseling Check-Ins

  • Purpose: To monitor the student's emotional well-being and progress towards his goals.

  • Activities: Review of coping strategies, discussion of recent challenges and successes, and adjustment of intervention strategies as needed.

  • Responsible Party: School counselor

  • Frequency: Monthly, with each session lasting 30 minutes

Quarterly Academic Performance Reviews

  1. Purpose: To evaluate the student's academic progress and identify areas needing additional support.

  2. Activities: Analysis of report cards, feedback from teachers, and assessment of adherence to the personalized study schedule.

  3. Responsible Party: School counselor in collaboration with the student's teachers

  4. Frequency: Every three months

Semi-Annual Parental Feedback Sessions:

  • Purpose: To involve the parents in his progress and gather their observations from home.

  • Activities: Discussion of the student’s social and academic development, review of strategies used at home, and coordination between home and school support.

  • Responsible Party: School counselor and parents

  • Frequency: Twice a year

Additional Components:

  • Progress Reports: Detailed progress reports will be provided to parents and teachers at the end of each quarter to summarize achievements and areas for improvement.

  • Adjustment Meetings: Additional meetings will be scheduled as needed if significant issues arise or if major adjustments to the treatment plan are required.

  • Feedback Loop: Continuous feedback will be sought from the student, his parents, and his teachers to ensure the effectiveness of the interventions and make necessary modifications.

VII. Notes

This treatment plan will be reviewed and updated as necessary to reflect the student's progress and any changes in their needs.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email] or call [Your Company Number].

VIII. Signature

[Parent 1 Name]


[Parent 2 Name]


[Student's Name]


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