High School Athlete Student Resume

High School Athlete Student Resume

I. Personal Information




[Your Address]

Date of Birth

December 15, 2050

Contact Number

000 111 222

II. Objective

Eager to leverage four years of dedicated athletic training, academic excellence, and leadership experience to secure a position on a collegiate basketball team while pursuing a degree in Sports Management.

III. Athletic Profile



Years Played



Point Guard


All-Conference Selection (Junior & Senior years)

Track & Field



Regional Champion (100m) (Sophomore year)




Named Team Captain (Senior year)

IV. Academic Achievements

  • GPA: 3.8

  • SAT: 1300 | ACT: 28

  • Honor Roll: Freshman, Junior, and Senior years

V. Leadership and Extracurricular Activities

  • Elected Team Captain, Basketball (Junior & Senior years), responsible for leading team meetings, developing game strategies, and fostering team unity.

  • Volunteered as Coach for Anytown Youth Basketball Program, overseeing weekly practices, mentoring young athletes, and organizing local tournaments.

  • Contributed as a Member of the National Honor Society, participating in various community service projects and academic tutoring programs.

  • Served as Student Government Representative, advocating for student interests, organizing school events, and facilitating communication between students and faculty.

VI. Community Involvement

  • Volunteered weekly with Habitat for Humanity, participating in home construction projects and community revitalization efforts.

  • Organized and led fundraisers for Anytown Animal Shelter, raising over $2,000 to support shelter operations and animal welfare initiatives.

VII. Work Experience

Sales Associate, Sports Gear Emporium | Summer 2067 - Present

  • Provided exceptional customer service, assisting customers with product selection, sizing, and purchases.

  • Maintained organized and visually appealing store displays to showcase merchandise effectively.

  • Demonstrated strong teamwork and communication skills while collaborating with colleagues to achieve sales targets and ensure customer satisfaction.

VIII. References

Available upon request.

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