Architecture Payment Notice

Architecture Payment Notice

Date: [Month Day, Year]

[Client's Name]
[Client's Address]

Subject: Payment Notice for Architectural Services Rendered

Dear [Client's Name],

This is a formal reminder that the payment for the architectural services provided by [Your Company Name] remains outstanding. Please review the details below:

  • Invoice Number: [14-091381]

  • Amount Due: [$5,000.00]

  • Due Date: [Month Day, Year]

  • Services: Architectural design and consultation

Kindly arrange for payment within the next [7] days to avoid any late charges

Please make the payment to the following account:

Bank Name:                                                           
Account Number:                                                 
Routing Number:                                                  
SWIFT Code:                                                         

If you have already made the payment, please disregard this notice. If you have any questions or need to discuss this matter further, please contact [Your Company Email] or [Your Company Number].

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to continuing our successful partnership.

Thank you for your cooperation.


[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company Name]

Enclosures: Copy of Invoice, Payment Instructions

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