Architecture Legal Letter

Architecture Legal Letter


[Recipient Name]

[Recipient Title]

[Recipient Organization]

[Recipient Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name],

Re: Notification of Legal Action

We are writing to formally notify you of a legal matter concerning the architectural project located at [Project Address], in which we are the architectural firm responsible for providing design and consultancy services. This letter serves to inform you of our intention to pursue legal action due to unresolved issues and breaches of the contract agreement dated [Contract Date].


As you are aware, we entered into a contractual agreement with [Recipient Organization] to provide comprehensive architectural services for the aforementioned project. The scope of our services included, but was not limited to, design development, construction documentation, and construction administration.


Despite our continuous efforts to fulfill our contractual obligations, several issues have arisen that have severely impacted our ability to complete the project successfully. These issues include:

  1. Non-Payment of Fees: As of the date of this letter, a significant portion of our fees remains unpaid, amounting to [Amount Due]. We have made numerous attempts to resolve this matter amicably through reminders and direct communication, but these efforts have not resulted in payment.

  2. Project Delays: Unjustified delays caused by [Recipient Organization] have hindered the progress of the project, leading to increased costs and resource allocation on our part. These delays are in direct violation of the agreed project timeline and milestones outlined in the contract.

  3. Unauthorized Changes: There have been multiple instances where changes to the project scope were made without our consent or proper change order documentation. These unauthorized changes have compromised the integrity of our design and have resulted in additional, unplanned work.

Legal Basis

The actions (or lack thereof) described above constitute clear breaches of the contractual agreement between our firms. As per the terms of the contract, we are entitled to seek legal remedies to recover the outstanding fees and any additional costs incurred due to the delays and unauthorized changes.

Demand for Resolution

We hereby demand the following actions be taken within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter:

  1. Payment of the outstanding fees amounting to [Amount Due].

  2. Compensation for additional costs incurred due to project delays and unauthorized changes, totaling [Additional Costs].

  3. Written assurance that no further unauthorized changes will be made and that all future changes will follow the proper change order procedures as stipulated in the contract.

Failure to address these demands within the specified timeframe will result in us taking legal action to recover the amounts owed and any additional damages. We are prepared to file a lawsuit in the appropriate jurisdiction and seek all available legal remedies, including but not limited to, attorney’s fees and court costs.

We hope to resolve this matter amicably and without resorting to legal action. We believe that a mutually beneficial resolution is still possible and we are open to discussing terms that will allow for the successful completion of the project.

Please consider this letter as a formal legal notice of our intent to pursue claims for the outlined breaches if the demands are not met within the specified timeframe. We urge you to address these issues promptly to avoid further legal escalation.

We look forward to your prompt attention to this serious matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

cc: Legal Counsel, Project Manager
