Free Special Education Lesson Plan Template



Free Special Education Lesson Plan Template

Special Education Lesson Plan

I. Student Information




[Student Name]


4th Grade



Date of Birth:

January 15, 2041


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Language Proficiency:


II. Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

  • Academic Levels: Below grade level in reading and math

  • Functional Levels: Needs support with social interactions and communication

III. Special Education and Related Services

  • Services Provided: Speech therapy, occupational therapy

  • Frequency: Twice a week

  • Duration: 30 minutes per session

  • Service Provider: Speech Therapist: [Therapist Name], Occupational Therapist: [Therapist Name]

IV. Annual Goals

Goal: Improve reading comprehension

  • Objective 1: [Student Name] will read and understand grade-level texts with 80% accuracy by June 2051.

    • Target Date: June 2051

    • Criteria for Success: [Student Name] will answer comprehension questions correctly.

  • Objective 2: [Student Name] will independently summarize main ideas in writing with 70% accuracy by June 2051.

    • Target Date: June 2051

    • Criteria for Success: [Student Name] will complete written summaries.

V. Progress Monitoring

  • Monitoring Method: Weekly assessments

  • Frequency of Monitoring: Every Friday

  • Person Responsible: Classroom Teacher: [Your Name]

VI. Transition Planning

  • Transition Goals: Improve social skills for better peer interactions

  • Transition Services: Social skills training

  • Agency Responsible: School Counselor: [Counselor's Name]

VII. Accommodations and Modifications

  • Accommodations: Extra time on tests, preferential seating

  • Modifications: Simplified assignments, visual aids

VIII. Assistive Technology

  • Technology Used: iPad with communication app

  • Purpose: Improve communication skills

  • Training Needed: Training provided by the Speech Therapist

IX. Parent/Guardian Involvement

  • Communication Plan: Weekly updates through emails and phone calls

  • Parent/Guardian Input: Parent input is encouraged in IEP meetings and goal-setting.

X. Behavioral Supports

  • Behavioral Plan: Positive reinforcement for desired behaviors

  • Positive Reinforcement: Stickers and praise for completing tasks

XI. Supplementary Aids and Services

  • Aids/Services Provided: Extra support in the resource room

  • Purpose: Provide additional help with academics

XII. Evaluation Schedule

  • Evaluation Dates: Every 6 months

  • Evaluation Criteria: Progress towards IEP goals

XIII. Other Considerations

  • Medical Needs: None

  • Social/Emotional Needs: Support for managing frustration and anxiety

XIV. Signatures

Parent/Guardian Signature:



IEP Team Signature:



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