Hotel Estimate Letter

Hotel Estimate Letter


[Client Name]
[Client Title]
[Client Organization]
[Client Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Client Name],

Subject: Estimate for Corporate Retreat

Thank you for considering our hotel as the venue for your upcoming corporate retreat. We are pleased to provide you with an estimate for the services and accommodations as per your requirements.

Estimated Costs

Amount (USD)



- 30 single rooms for 2 nights at $200 per night

- 10 double rooms for 2 nights at $300 per night

Conference Facilities


- Full-day conference room rental for 3 days at $2,000 per day

Catering Services


- Breakfast: $20 per person per day for 60 people

- Lunch: $30 per person per day for 60 people

- Dinner: $50 per person per day for 60 people

Team-Building Activities


- Customized activities and materials

Audio-Visual Equipment


- Projectors, microphones, and other necessary equipment

Miscellaneous Services


- Printing of materials, welcome kits, and other incidentals

Total Estimated Cost


This estimate is based on the information provided and is subject to change based on any additional services or modifications to your requirements. The final cost will be confirmed upon completion of detailed planning and agreement on the final itinerary.

We require a 50% deposit upon acceptance of this estimate to secure your booking, with the remaining balance due upon conclusion of the event.

Should you have any questions or need further adjustments to this estimate, please do not hesitate to contact our Events Manager at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email]. We are committed to making your corporate retreat a successful and memorable event.

Thank you for choosing our hotel. We look forward to the opportunity to host your corporate retreat and deliver an exceptional experience for your team.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

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