Free Preschool Daily Lesson Plan Template

Preschool Daily Lesson Plan







I. Lesson Overview

A. Lesson Topic

Introduction to Colors and Shapes

B. Objective

  1. Children will be able to identify and name basic colors.

  2. Children will recognize and name basic shapes.

  3. Encourage creativity and hand-eye coordination through drawing and coloring activities.

II. Materials Needed

  • Coloring books with various shapes

  • Crayons and markers

  • Shape cutouts

  • Interactive color and shape board

  • "Colors and Shapes" video

III. Activities

Circle Time

Gather the children in a circle and discuss the day's topic. Show them various shapes and colors using the interactive board.

Activity 1:

Coloring Exercise

Distribute coloring books and crayons. Instruct the children to color specific shapes with specific colors.

Activity 2:

Shape Matching

Children will match shape cutouts with the same shapes on a board. Discuss the names of shapes and colors as they match them.

Activity 3:

Video Time

Play a video titled "Colors and Shapes" to reinforce the lesson through song and visual aids.

IV. Evaluation

Assess the children's understanding through the following:

  • Observe their ability to name colors and shapes during activities.

  • Check their completed coloring books for correct color usage.

  • Provide a quick interactive quiz using the board at the end of the lesson.

V. Reflection

Note any challenges faced during the lesson and consider ways to address them in future sessions. Reflect on the children's engagement and participation.

VI. Additional Notes

If time allows, consider incorporating an extra craft session where children create their own shape-based artwork, fostering further creativity.

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