Free Substitute Lesson Plan Template

Substitute Lesson Plan

Prepared by: [You Name]

School Name: [Your Company Name]

I. Objective

The objective of this lesson is to ensure that the substitute teacher is able to effectively manage the classroom and facilitate students' learning activities in the absence of the regular teacher. The substitute should provide clear instructions and support for students as they work on their assigned tasks.

II. Materials Needed

  • Printed copies of the assignment instructions

  • Whiteboard and markers

  • Laptop or tablet for the substitute teacher (optional)

III. Classroom Management

  • Take attendance at the beginning of the class.

  • Ensure students are seated according to the seating chart provided by the regular teacher.

  • Review the classroom rules and expectations briefly.

  • Encourage respectful and on-task behavior throughout the lesson.

IV. Attendance (5 minutes)

Begin by greeting the students and introducing yourself. Take attendance by calling out each student's name from the attendance sheet provided by the regular teacher. Mark any absences accordingly.

V. Introduction (5 minutes)

Explain the objective of the lesson and provide a brief overview of the activities planned for the day. Emphasize the importance of staying focused and completing the tasks assigned.

VI. Main Activity (40 minutes)

Group Work (20 minutes)

Divide the students into pre-assigned groups as indicated by the regular teacher. Distribute the assignment instructions to each group. The assignment may involve research, discussion, and preparation of a small presentation on a given topic. Walk around the classroom to monitor progress, assist with any questions, and ensure all students are participating.

Individual Work (20 minutes)

After the group activity, instruct students to work individually on a related worksheet or assignment. This could be a written reflection on the group discussion, answering questions, or completing exercises that reinforce the lessons topic. Again, monitor progress and provide assistance as needed.

VII. Conclusion (10 minutes)

Gather the class together and ask if there are any questions or clarifications needed regarding the day's activities or the assignments. Remind students of any homework or upcoming tests as noted by the regular teacher. Ensure that the classroom is tidy before the students leave and collect any completed assignments to hand over to the regular teacher.

VIII. Additional Notes for the Substitute Teacher

If time allows, you may engage the students in a brief review session or an educational game related to the topic. Be sure to follow any specific instructions left by the regular teacher and reach out to other teachers or the school administration if you encounter any issues or need additional support.

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