First Year College Student Resume

First Year College Student Resume

Address: [Your Address]

Phone Number: [Your Phone Number]


I. Professional Summary

Motivated and ambitious first-year college student with a passion for Computer Science. Dedicated to academic excellence and eager to contribute to innovative technological advancements. Possesses strong communication skills and a proven track record of leadership in academic and extracurricular activities.

II. Education

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Expected Graduation: [Year]

Relevant Coursework:

  • Introduction to Programming

  • Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Calculus I and II

III. Qualifications

  • Proficient in Python, Java, and C++.

  • Displayed strong interpersonal skills in team projects and volunteer work.

  • Proven success in teamwork through successful collaborative projects.

  • Quick to adapt and learn, easily grasp new concepts and technologies.

  • Proven time management and organizational skills, demonstrated by managing a full course load and extracurricular activities.

IV. Achievements

  • Awarded Dean's List for academic excellence in Fall 2053.

  • Achieved first place in the university's hackathon with a team-developed app.

  • An outstanding performer in the Intro to Programming course.

  • Elected Secretary of the Computer Science Club, responsible for organizing meetings and overseeing communications.

V. Work Experience

Intern, [Previous Company Name]

[Start Date] - [End Date]

  • Developed a mobile app prototype to enhance user experience.

  • Worked with the software team to debug and enhance code.

  • Presented project updates to senior management, demonstrating strong communication skills.

VI. Skills

Technical Skills

Interpersonal Skills

  • Python

  • Java

  • C++


  • Communication

  • Leadership

  • Teamwork

  • Time Management

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