Free Preschool Music Lesson Plan Template

Preschool Music Lesson Plan

Preschool Teacher:








I. Objective

Students will be able to identify basic musical concepts such as rhythm, pitch, and dynamics through singing, movement, and instrumental play.

II. Materials Needed

  • CD player or digital music player

  • Preschool-appropriate music (e.g., "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", "The Wheels on the Bus")

  • Rhythm instruments (e.g., tambourines, maracas, drums)

  • Colorful scarves or ribbons

  • Large paper and markers

III. Introduction

Welcome the children to the music lesson. Explain that today, they will be exploring different sounds and rhythms through fun activities. Have them sit in a circle and briefly discuss what music is and why it is enjoyable. Ask volunteers to share their favorite songs or instruments.

IV. Warm-Up Activity

Begin with a simple warm-up activity to get the children moving and paying attention:

Game: "Follow the Leader"

Play a fun, upbeat song and have the children follow you as you perform simple movements (e.g., clapping hands, tapping feet, marching in place). Encourage them to copy your actions and keep the beat of the music.

V. Singing Activity

Song: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"

Teach the children the song "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." Sing it once through to give them an idea of the melody and words. Then, encourage them to join in and sing along. You can repeat the song a few times to help everyone feel comfortable.

After singing, ask questions like: "What did you notice about the song?" "Was it fast or slow?" "Was it loud or quiet?"

VI. Instrument Play

Distribute rhythm instruments to the children. Explain how to use each instrument and demonstrate playing them. Play a simple children’s song and have them play along with the beat.

Game: "Instrument Parade"

Have the children form a line and march around the room while playing their instruments. Encourage them to listen to each other and try to keep the same rhythm.

VII. Movement and Dance

Hand out colorful scarves or ribbons to each child. Explain that they will use the scarves to make beautiful shapes in the air while moving to the music. Play a slower, more expressive piece of music and encourage the children to dance around the room using their scarves.

Activity: "Freeze Dance"

Play an upbeat song and let the children dance freely. Pause the music at random intervals, and when the music stops, the children must "freeze" in place until it starts again.

VIII. Creative Activity

Provide large paper and markers. Let the children draw pictures of the instruments they played or how the music made them feel. This helps to reinforce the lesson and allows them to express their understanding artistically.

IX. Closing

Gather the children back into a circle. Recap what they did during the lesson and highlight what they learned about rhythm, pitch, and dynamics. Sing a goodbye song together to conclude the lesson.

This lesson plan was prepared by [Your Name]. For further questions, please contact [Your Email].

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