Hotel Eviction Notice

Hotel Eviction Notice

Dear [Guest Name],

This letter serves as a formal eviction notice from [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address]. Please be advised of the following important information:

Reason for Eviction

The eviction is due to a violation of hotel policies, which include but are not limited to:

  1. Non-payment of accommodation charges for [0] days, totaling $[0].

  2. Disturbance of other guests and hotel staff on [Month Day, Year].

These violations are in direct contravention of the agreement signed upon your check-in date of [Month Day, Year].

Immediate Action Required

You are required to vacate the premises by [Month Day, Year]. Failure to comply with this order will result in further legal actions.

Remediation Options

If you believe this eviction notice has been issued in error or if you would like to discuss the violations in more detail, you must contact hotel management immediately at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email]. Appointments can be arranged to discuss potential resolutions until [Month Day, Year].

Consequences of Non-Compliance

If you do not vacate the premises by the specified date of [Month Day, Year], please be aware of the following consequences:

  • Immediate removal of personal belongings by hotel security

  • Additional charges applied to your account

  • Permanent ban from booking accommodations at [Your Company Name] in the future

  • Further legal action which may include involvement of law enforcement

Contact Information for Inquiries

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please reach out using the contact details provided below:

  • Phone Number: [Your Company Number]

  • Email: [Your Company Email]

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]


[Your Company Name]

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