Hotel Complaint Email

Hotel Complaint Email

Subject: Complaint Regarding Recent Stay at [Your Company Name]

Dear [Hotel Manager's Name],

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with several aspects of my recent stay at your hotel, which I believe warrants your immediate attention.

During my stay, I encountered multiple issues that significantly impacted my experience:

  • Room Cleanliness: Upon entering my room, I noticed dirt and dust in various corners, and the bed linen appeared unclean.

  • Customer Service: When I approached the front desk with my concerns, the response was unprofessional and dismissive.

  • Facilities Maintenance: The air conditioning in my room was not functioning properly, making for an uncomfortable sleep environment.

As a regular traveler, I choose hotels based on their reputation for quality and service. Unfortunately, my recent experience at your establishment fell far short of expectations. This not only reflects poorly on your hotel but also affects my decision to stay with you in the future.

I urge you to address these issues promptly. It would be appreciated if you could provide a response detailing how you plan to rectify these matters and ensure this does not happen again. I believe in giving feedback so that improvements can be made, and I hope to see significant changes during my next visit.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your prompt response.


[Your Name]
[Your Company Email]

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