Free Hotel Overtime Procedure Template



Free Hotel Overtime Procedure Template

Hotel Overtime Procedure

I. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to outline the process for managing and recording overtime work at [Your Company Name]. This ensures compliance with labor laws and company policies while promoting fairness and consistency for all employees. By providing clear guidelines for requesting, recording, and compensating overtime, we aim to maintain operational efficiency and ensure that all staff members are treated equitably.

II. Scope

This procedure applies to all hotel staff, including full-time, part-time, and temporary employees. It covers all departments and roles within the hotel, ensuring that overtime management is consistent across the organization.

III. Definitions

In order to ensure clarity and understanding of the overtime procedure at [Your Company Name], it is essential to define key terms and concepts. This chapter provides detailed definitions to ensure that all employees and managers are on the same page regarding what constitutes overtime and who is eligible for overtime pay.


Overtime refers to any hours worked beyond the standard 40 hours per week. For non-exempt employees, overtime is typically calculated on a weekly basis, regardless of the number of hours worked in a single day. This means that if an employee works more than 40 hours in a week, the hours beyond 40 are considered overtime.

Key Points:

  1. Calculation: Overtime is calculated on a weekly basis.

  2. Threshold: Any hours worked beyond the standard 40 hours per week.

  3. Exceptions: Specific roles may have different thresholds based on contractual agreements or local labor laws.

Eligible Employees

Eligible Employees are those who qualify for overtime pay based on their employment status and applicable labor laws. Typically, non-exempt employees, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in the United States, are eligible for overtime pay. Exempt employees, such as certain managerial, administrative, and professional roles, are not eligible for overtime pay.

Key Points:

  1. Non-Exempt Employees: Those entitled to overtime pay as per FLSA or equivalent local laws.

  2. Exempt Employees: Those not entitled to overtime pay due to their job classification and duties.

  3. Criteria: Eligibility is determined by job duties, salary basis, and compliance with labor laws.

IV. Responsibilities

Ensuring proper management and recording of overtime work requires clear delineation of responsibilities among management and employees. This chapter outlines the specific duties of both groups to ensure the overtime procedure is implemented effectively and fairly.

A. Management Responsibilities

Management plays a crucial role in overseeing and ensuring compliance with the overtime policy. Managers are responsible for several key aspects:

  1. Ensure Compliance: Management must ensure that all aspects of the overtime policy are in line with labor laws and company policies. This includes staying updated with any changes in labor regulations and making necessary adjustments to the policy.

  2. Approve or Deny Overtime Requests: Managers are responsible for reviewing and either approving or denying overtime requests. This involves assessing the necessity of the overtime, the availability of budget, and the potential impact on employee workload and well-being.

  3. Monitor and Track Overtime Hours: Managers must keep track of the overtime hours worked by their team members. This includes verifying the accuracy of recorded hours and ensuring that overtime is not worked without prior approval.

  4. Reporting: Managers must report the approved and worked overtime hours to the HR department for payroll processing and compliance monitoring.

B. Employee Responsibilities

Employees also have specific responsibilities to ensure that overtime work is properly managed and recorded:

  1. Request Approval: Employees must request approval from their manager before working any overtime hours. This ensures that all overtime is pre-approved and that there is a clear record of the request.

  2. Accurately Record Overtime Hours: Employees are required to accurately record all overtime hours worked using the designated time tracking system. This helps in ensuring that all hours are properly documented and compensated.

  3. Compliance with Procedures: Employees must follow all procedures outlined in the overtime policy, including adhering to any additional guidelines provided by their manager.

V. Procedure

The procedure for managing overtime work at [Your Company Name] is designed to ensure a structured and transparent process. This chapter provides a step-by-step guide on how to request, record, and compensate overtime work.

A. Requesting Overtime

Requesting overtime involves a formal process to ensure that all overtime work is pre-approved and justified:

  1. Submission of Request: Employees must submit an overtime request form to their direct manager at least 24 hours in advance of the anticipated overtime work. The form should include the reason for the overtime, the expected hours, and the specific tasks to be completed.

  2. Manager Review: The manager will review the overtime request within 12 hours. This review includes assessing the necessity of the overtime, budget considerations, and potential impacts on work schedules.

  3. Notification of Decision: If the request is approved, the employee will receive written confirmation, which can be an email or a signed form. If denied, the manager will provide a clear explanation for the decision.

B. Recording Overtime

Accurate recording of overtime is crucial for compliance and compensation:

  1. Use of Time Tracking System: Employees must use the designated time tracking system to record all overtime hours worked. This ensures accuracy in payroll processing and compliance with labor laws.

  2. Verification and Approval: Managers must verify and approve the recorded overtime hours by the end of each pay period. This involves checking the time tracking entries against the approved overtime requests and ensuring that all recorded hours are accurate.

C. Compensating Overtime

Compensation for overtime work is based on applicable labor laws and company policy:

  1. Overtime Pay Calculation: Overtime pay will be calculated at 1.5 times the employee’s regular hourly rate, in accordance with labor laws and company policy.

  2. Payroll Inclusion: Approved overtime payments will be included in the employee’s next regular paycheck. Payroll staff will ensure that the overtime hours are correctly reflected in the employee’s earnings statement.

Table: Overtime Pay Calculation

Employee Name

Regular Hourly Rate

Overtime Hours Worked

Overtime Pay Rate

Total Overtime Pay

  1. Jonathan Wilkins





By clearly defining the responsibilities of management and employees, and providing a structured procedure for requesting, recording, and compensating overtime, [Your Company Name] ensures fair and consistent management of overtime work. This approach not only ensures compliance with labor laws but also promotes a positive and transparent work environment. For any questions or further assistance, employees are encouraged to contact their direct manager or the HR department using the provided contact information.

VI. Monitoring and Review

The HR department at [Your Company Name] will regularly review overtime records to ensure compliance and address any discrepancies. This review process includes:

  1. Monthly Audits: Conducting monthly audits of overtime records to identify any patterns of excessive or unauthorized overtime. This helps in understanding the root causes and taking corrective actions.

  2. Quarterly Reviews: Performing quarterly reviews to analyze the necessity and frequency of overtime. This analysis will be used to improve workforce scheduling and operational efficiency, reducing the need for overtime wherever possible.

  3. Feedback Mechanism: Implementing a feedback mechanism for employees to report any issues or concerns regarding overtime. This ensures that any problems are addressed promptly and that the overtime process is continuously improved.

Table: Monitoring Schedule

Review Type



Monthly Audits


Identify excessive or unauthorized overtime

Quarterly Reviews


Analyze necessity and frequency of overtime

Feedback Mechanism


Address issues and improve overtime processes

VII. Contact Information

For questions or further clarification, employees can contact their direct manager or the HR department at:

  • Email: [Your Company Email]

  • Phone: [Your Company Number]

Additional information can be found on the company website at [Your Company Website].

VIII. Document History

This section provides a record of changes and updates to the overtime procedure document.

1.0 [Effective Date] Initial release.

1.1 [Revision Date] Minor updates and corrections.

Detailed Overtime Request and Approval Process

A. Overtime Request Form

The overtime request form is a critical document that ensures all overtime work is pre-approved and documented. The form should include:

  • Employee Name

  • Department

  • Date of Request

  • Date and Time of Expected Overtime

  • Reason for Overtime

  • Task Details

  • Estimated Hours

  • Manager's Signature and Date

B. Manager's Review Criteria

Managers should consider the following criteria when reviewing overtime requests:

  1. Necessity: Determine whether the overtime is essential to meet deadlines or address urgent tasks.

  2. Budget Impact: Assess the financial implications of approving overtime and ensure it aligns with departmental budgets.

  3. Workload Distribution: Consider whether the workload can be distributed among other team members to avoid overtime.

  4. Employee Well-being: Evaluate the potential impact of additional hours on the employee's well-being and work-life balance.

C. Documentation and Record-Keeping

All approved overtime requests and recorded hours should be documented and stored securely. This ensures transparency and provides a reference for future audits.

Table: Overtime Request Form Example



Employee Name

Name of the employee requesting overtime


Employee's department

Date of Request

Date when the request is submitted

Expected Overtime Date

Date and time of the anticipated overtime

Reason for Overtime

Justification for needing overtime

Task Details

Specific tasks to be completed during overtime

Estimated Hours

Estimated number of overtime hours

Manager's Signature

Manager's approval and signature

Approval Date

Date when the manager approves the overtime

Strategies to Minimize Overtime

While overtime can be necessary, it is important to manage it effectively to prevent burnout and excessive labor costs. [Your Company Name] will implement the following strategies to minimize overtime:

  1. Efficient Scheduling: Optimize work schedules to ensure adequate staffing levels during peak periods and avoid unnecessary overtime.

  2. Cross-Training Employees: Cross-train employees to handle multiple roles, allowing for greater flexibility in staffing and reducing the need for overtime.

  3. Improving Workflow: Streamline processes and workflows to increase efficiency and reduce the time required to complete tasks.

  4. Utilizing Part-Time Staff: Hire part-time or temporary staff to handle increased workloads during busy seasons.

Table: Overtime Minimization Strategies



Efficient Scheduling

Optimize staffing levels to match demand

Cross-Training Employees

Train employees in multiple roles for flexibility

Improving Workflow

Streamline processes to enhance efficiency

Utilizing Part-Time Staff

Hire temporary staff during peak periods

Communication and Training

Effective communication and training are essential to ensure all employees understand the overtime procedure and comply with company policies.

  1. Regular Training Sessions: Conduct regular training sessions for both employees and managers on the overtime policy and procedures. This ensures everyone is aware of their responsibilities and the correct process to follow.

  2. Policy Communication: Clearly communicate the overtime policy to all employees through the employee handbook, company intranet, and regular team meetings.

  3. Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop where employees can ask questions and provide suggestions for improving the overtime process.

Table: Communication and Training Plan




Training Sessions

Regular training on overtime policies and procedures


Policy Communication

Sharing policy details via handbook and intranet


Feedback Loop

Mechanism for questions and suggestions



By following this comprehensive overtime procedure, [Your Company Name] aims to ensure fair and consistent management of overtime work. This procedure not only ensures compliance with labor laws but also promotes a positive work environment by preventing excessive overtime and burnout. For any questions or further assistance, employees are encouraged to contact their direct manager or the HR department using the provided contact information. This structured approach to managing overtime will contribute to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of our hotel operations.

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