Safety Incident Investigation Report

Safety Incident Investigation Report

I. Incident Summary

  • Date of Incident: May 10, 2051

  • Time of Incident: 09:30 AM

  • Location: [YOUR COMPANY NAME], Assembly Line 3

  • Reported By: [YOUR NAME], Line Supervisor

  • Incident Type: Machinery Accident

Brief Description:

On May 10, 2051, at approximately 09:30 AM, an accident occurred on Assembly Line 3 involving a worker, Lynn Tyler, who sustained a hand injury while operating a press machine. The incident was immediately reported to the line supervisor, and first aid was administered before the worker was taken to the hospital for further evaluation.

II. Background Information

a. Worker Information





Lynn Tyler


Machine Operator

5 years

b. Machine Information




Last Maintenance Date:

Hydraulic Press Machine


PressTech Industries

April 20, 2051

III. Details of the Incident

a. Sequence of Events

  1. 09:00 AM: Lynn Tyler begins her shift, assigned to operate the hydraulic press machine on Assembly Line 3.

  2. 09:25 AM: Lynn Tyler notices a slight irregularity in the machine's operation but continues to work.

  3. 09:30 AM: Lynn Tyler's hand gets caught in the press machine due to a malfunction in the safety guard mechanism.

  4. 09:32 AM: [YOUR NAME], the line supervisor, is alerted and immediately stops the machine.

  5. 09:35 AM: First aid is administered on-site; Lynn Tyler is then transported to the hospital.

b. Witness Statements

  1. [YOUR NAME], Line Supervisor:

    "I heard Lynn scream and saw her hand caught in the machine. I immediately hit the emergency stop button and called for first aid. The safety guard didn't seem to work properly."

  2. Mary Johnson, Co-Worker:

    "I was working nearby and saw the incident. The machine has been having minor issues lately, but we didn't think it was serious."

IV. Analysis of Causes

a. Direct Cause

  • Malfunction of Safety Guard: The immediate cause of the accident was the failure of the machine's safety guard mechanism, which allowed Lynn Tyler's hand to get caught in the press.

b. Root Cause

  • Inadequate Maintenance: The hydraulic press machine had not received adequate maintenance, and minor issues had been reported but not addressed promptly.

c. Contributing Factors

  • Lack of Immediate Reporting: Lynn Tyler noticed irregularities but did not report them immediately.

  • Insufficient Training: There may be gaps in training regarding the importance of reporting even minor machine issues.

V. Conclusions

The accident was primarily caused by a malfunctioning safety guard on the hydraulic press machine, compounded by inadequate maintenance and a lack of immediate reporting of irregularities.

VI. Recommendations

  1. Immediate Machine Inspection and Repair:

    • Conduct a thorough inspection of the hydraulic press machine and repair the safety guard mechanism.

    • Schedule regular maintenance checks to prevent future malfunctions.

  2. Enhanced Reporting Procedures:

    • Implement a policy requiring immediate reporting of any machine irregularities.

    • Provide training to all employees on the importance of reporting even minor issues.

  3. Additional Safety Training:

    • Conduct refresher safety training sessions focusing on the use of machinery and the importance of safety protocols.

  4. Review of Safety Mechanisms:

    • Evaluate and upgrade the safety mechanisms of all machinery in the plant to ensure compliance with the highest safety standards.

VII. Appendices

  • Appendix A: Photographs of the Incident Scene

  • Appendix B: Maintenance Logs

  • Appendix C: Training Records

  • Appendix D: Witness Statements





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