Free Employee Unacceptable Behavior Incident Report Template



Free Employee Unacceptable Behavior Incident Report Template

Employee Unacceptable Behavior Incident Report

I. Incident Details

Date of Report: May 30, 2050

Reported By: [Your Name]

Reported To: [HR Name]

Department: Human Resources

Location: Office Building, Floor 5

II. Employee Information

Employee Name: [Employee Name]

Position: Sales Representative

Employee ID: 123456

III. Incident Description

On May 29, 2050, at approximately 2:00 PM, an incident involving unacceptable behavior was reported by [Colleague's Name]. The incident took place at the office cafeteria. According to the complainant, [Employee Name] engaged in harassment by making inappropriate comments and gestures towards her.

The behavior reported includes but is not limited to making suggestive comments and gestures. This conduct is in violation of the company's policies on harassment and acceptable workplace behavior, specifically policy section 2.3.

IV. Witnesses

Witness 1: [Witness 1 Name], HR Manager

Witness 2: [Witness 2 Name], Sales Team Lead

V. Evidence and Documentation

Evidence Collected:

  • Written statement from [Colleague's Name]

  • CCTV footage of the incident

  • Email correspondence regarding the incident

VI. Actions Taken

Immediate actions taken to address the incident include placing [Employee Name] on administrative leave pending further investigation. [Your Name] and [HR Name] have scheduled a meeting with the accused employee for June 1, 2050, to discuss the incident and gather further information.

VII. Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on the initial findings, it is recommended that a thorough investigation be conducted, ensuring that all parties involved are given the opportunity to provide their account.

Further training and awareness programs on workplace harassment and acceptable behavior may be necessary to prevent future incidents.

VIII. Contact Information

For any additional information or follow-up on this incident, please contact:

Contact Person: [Your Name]

Email: [Your Email]

Phone: [Your Company Number]

Report Filed By: [Your Name]

Date: May 30, 2050

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