Free Hotel Brand Meeting Minutes Template

Hotel Brand Meeting Minutes

I. Meeting Details






[Location Name]


[Name], Brand Manager

II. Attendees



Present (Y/N)


Brand Manager



Social Media Manager



Content Manager



Customer Service Manager



Business Development Manager



Training Coordinator


III. Meeting Agenda



Time Allotted

1. Social Media Campaign Rollout

Launch plan and engagement strategies.

15 min

2. Website Content Update

Progress on website refresh and user experience improvements.

10 min

3. Customer Feedback Analysis

Review of recent feedback and areas for improvement.

10 min

4. Partnership Development

Strategies for new partnerships with local tourism agencies.

10 min

5. Training Program Implementation

Development and execution of new guest service training.

15 min

IV. Discussion Summary

  • Social Media Campaign Rollout: [Name], Social Media Manager, outlined the comprehensive social media campaign to promote seasonal offers. The campaign will include creating and scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and monitoring engagement metrics. The campaign will start by [MM-DD-YYYY] with a progress report due in two weeks.

  • Website Content Update: [Name], Content Manager, discussed the updates to the hotel's official website, including refreshing the homepage, revising the booking section, and ensuring new event details are accurately reflected. The updates should be live by [MM-DD-YYYY].

  • Customer Feedback Analysis: [Name], Customer Service Manager, presented the plan for compiling and analyzing recent customer feedback to identify key areas for improvement. A detailed report with findings and recommendations is to be submitted by [MM-DD-YYYY].

  • Partnership Development: [Name], Business Development Manager, shared strategies for developing new partnerships with local tourism agencies. This includes negotiating terms, coordinating joint promotional activities, and tracking referral traffic. An initial list of potential partners and status updates will be presented by [MM-DD-YYYY].

  • Training Program Implementation: [Name], Training Coordinator, discussed the development and implementation of a new training program focused on enhancing guest service skills among front desk staff. The program includes interactive workshops and role-playing scenarios, with materials prepared and the first session scheduled by [MM-DD-YYYY].

V. Action Items


Assigned to



Launch social media campaign



In Progress

Update website content



In Progress

Analyze customer feedback



In Progress

Develop new partnerships



In Progress

Implement training program



In Progress

VI. Additional Notes

  • Next meeting scheduled for [MM-DD-YYYY] at [HH:MM AM/PM].

  • All attendees are requested to review the action items and come prepared with updates for the next meeting.

VII. Approval

Minutes Prepared by: [Your Name], Marketing and Promotions Manager

Reviewed and Approved by: [Name], Brand Manager


Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

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