Hotel Budget List

Hotel Budget List

This budget list provides a detailed overview of the expected expenses and budget allocations for our hotel operations. The list specifies the expense category, description, estimated cost, and actual cost.



Prepared by:

[Your Name]


Budget List



Estimated Cost

Actual Cost

Operational Expenses

Daily operations including cleaning, laundry



Staff Wages

Salaries for all hotel staff

Maintenance Costs

Repairs and upkeep of hotel facilities

Utility Bills

Electricity, water, and gas

Marketing and Advertising

Promotional activities and advertisements

Guest Amenities

Items such as toiletries, refreshments

Event Expenses

Costs associated with hosting events

Travel and Transportation

Expenses for guest and staff transportation

Office Supplies

Stationery and other necessary supplies

Miscellaneous Expenses

Unforeseen expenses


Additional Reminders/Information

  • Ensure all receipts are collected and stored for record-keeping.

  • Regularly compare actual costs with estimated costs to stay within budget.

  • Adjust budget allocations monthly based on the performance and unforeseen expenses.

  • Keep track of seasonal changes that might affect costs like utilities and staff wages.

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