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Hotel Partnership Agreement

Hotel Partnership Agreement

This Hotel Partnership Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Effective Date], by and between:

[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]
[Your Company Email]
[Your Company Number]
[Your Company Website]

Hereinafter referred to as the "Hotel Partner,"


[Your Partner Company Name]
[Your Partner Company Address]
[Your Partner Company Email]
[Your Partner Company Number]
[Your Partner Company Website]

Hereinafter referred to as the "Partner."


[Your Company Name] operates in the hospitality industry and offers a comprehensive array of services aimed at enhancing the guest experience. These services include but are not limited to:

  • Hotel management software solutions

  • Guest reservation systems

  • Revenue management tools

  • Guest experience enhancement services such as personalized recommendations and concierge services

  • Marketing and promotional services to increase hotel visibility and bookings

The Partner owns and operates the renowned [Partner Hotel Name], a distinguished hotel located at [Hotel Address]. With a reputation for exceptional service and amenities, the Partner Hotel attracts a discerning clientele seeking luxury accommodations and memorable experiences.

Recognizing the potential for mutual growth and benefit, both parties are eager to collaborate and leverage their respective strengths to provide enhanced services to their clientele. By joining forces, they aim to elevate the guest experience, increase customer satisfaction, and maximize revenue opportunities.


The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a partnership between the Hotel Partner and [Your Company Name] for the mutual benefit of both parties. By combining resources and expertise, the parties aim to improve the overall guest experience and maximize revenue opportunities.

Terms and Conditions:

A. Partnership Scope:

  1. The Hotel Partner agrees to collaborate with [Your Company Name] to promote and market [Your Company Name]'s services to its guests. This may include but is not limited to offering exclusive discounts or packages, providing promotional materials in guest rooms, and facilitating direct bookings through [Your Company Name]'s platform.

  1. [Your Company Name] agrees to provide a range of tailored services to the guests of the Partner Hotel, ensuring an exceptional and memorable experience during their stay. These services may encompass:

2.1 Personalized Concierge Services: Offering guests personalized recommendations, arranging reservations for dining and entertainment, and facilitating special requests to enhance their stay.

2.2 Guest Experience Enhancement: Providing innovative solutions to elevate the overall guest experience, such as mobile check-in/check-out, in-room amenities, and personalized welcome messages.

2.3 Digital Guest Services: Offering guests access to a digital platform for accessing hotel information, requesting services, and providing feedback, enhancing convenience and efficiency.

2.4 Marketing and Promotional Support: Assisting the Partner Hotel in promoting special offers, events, and packages to increase bookings and drive revenue.

2.5 Training and Support: Providing comprehensive training and ongoing support to hotel staff to ensure the seamless integration and utilization of [Your Company Name]'s services.

These services will be delivered in accordance with the highest standards of quality and professionalism, with a focus on exceeding guest expectations and enhancing the overall reputation of the Partner Hotel.

B. Responsibilities of the Parties:

  1. The Hotel Partner shall:

1.1 Provide necessary space and resources for [Your Company Name]'s services, ensuring adequate facilities and support staff are available as needed.

1.2 Actively promote [Your Company Name]'s services to its guests through various channels including but not limited to the hotel website, social media platforms, and onsite signage.

  1. [Your Company Name] shall:

2.1 Provide trained staff to deliver the agreed-upon services, ensuring that all personnel are knowledgeable, courteous, and fully compliant with industry standards.

2.2 Maintain the quality and standard of services as agreed upon, promptly addressing any issues or concerns raised by the Hotel Partner or its guests.

2.3 Provide marketing materials to the Hotel Partner for promotional purposes, including brochures, flyers, and digital assets as required.

C. Term of Agreement:

  1. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of [duration] unless terminated earlier by either party in accordance with the terms herein. Upon expiration, the Agreement may be renewed by mutual consent of the parties subject to renegotiation of terms.

  2. Either party may terminate this Agreement with [number] days' written notice to the other party for any reason, provided that all outstanding obligations are settled in full prior to termination.

D. Compensation:

  1. The parties agree that compensation for the services provided under this Agreement shall be as outlined in Exhibit B attached hereto. Payment terms, including invoicing procedures and frequency, shall be mutually agreed upon and documented in writing.

  2. In the event of any dispute regarding compensation or billing, the parties shall make good faith efforts to resolve the matter amicably through negotiation or mediation.

E. Confidentiality:

Both parties agree to keep confidential any proprietary or sensitive information disclosed during the course of this partnership, including but not limited to business strategies, customer data, and financial records. Confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination of this Agreement and remain in effect indefinitely.

F. Termination:

  1. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [number] days' written notice to the other party for any reason, including but not limited to material breach of contract, insolvency, or change in business circumstances. Upon termination, all rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall cease, except those provisions which by their nature survive termination.

  1. In the event of termination, the parties shall cooperate in good faith to effectuate an orderly transition of services and assets, taking into account the interests of both parties and minimizing disruption to ongoing operations.

G. Governing Law:

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [Your State], without regard to its conflict of law principles. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by the state or federal courts located in [Your County], [Your State], to the extent permitted by law.

H. Entire Agreement:

This Agreement, along with any exhibits attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral. Any modifications or amendments to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties to be legally binding.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Your Company Name]

[Your Name]
[Your Title]

[Your Partner Company Name]

[Partner's Name]
[Partner's Title]

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