Spa Agenda Meeting Minutes

Spa Agenda Meeting Minutes

Date and Time: [Date], 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


  • [Spa Manager Name]

  • [Assistant Spa Manager Name]

  • [Lead Therapist Name]

  • [Marketing Coordinator Name]

  • [Training Specialist Name]

Agenda Items

I. Welcome and Introductions

The meeting commenced at 10:00 AM with [Spa Manager Name] welcoming all attendees and facilitating introductions. Each attendee briefly shared their role within the spa and any current projects they are working on to provide context for the meeting discussions.

II. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting held on [Date], were reviewed and approved without any amendments. [Assistant Spa Manager Name] confirmed that all action items from the previous meeting had been completed and provided a brief update on their outcomes.

III. Updates from Spa Management

[Spa Manager Name] provided updates on the recent spa performance metrics, highlighting a 10% increase in revenue compared to the same period last year. Additionally, [Spa Manager Name] shared positive feedback received from guests regarding the professionalism and expertise of spa staff.

[Assistant Spa Manager Name] shared information about upcoming maintenance work scheduled for next week and reassured that it would not disrupt spa operations. They also highlighted recent improvements made to the spa facilities based on guest suggestions.

IV. Discussion Topics

  1. Spa Services Review

[Lead Therapist Name] presented feedback from the recent guest surveys and proposed adjustments to the massage menu to accommodate popular requests. The team discussed the feasibility of the proposed changes and agreed to implement them in the next menu update.

  1. Staff Training and Development

[Training Specialist Name] outlined plans for an upcoming training session on new massage techniques scheduled for next month. They solicited input from the team regarding specific areas of focus for the training and confirmed their availability for the scheduled dates.

  1. Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

[Spa Manager Name] discussed recent guest complaints regarding appointment scheduling and proposed implementing an online booking system to streamline the process. The team brainstormed potential features and requirements for the system and tasked [Spa Manager Name] with researching available options.

  1. Marketing and Promotional Activities

[Marketing Coordinator Name] presented a draft of the summer promotional campaign focused on spa packages and requested feedback from the team. They highlighted key selling points and target demographics for the campaign, seeking suggestions for further improvement.

V. Upcoming Events and Special Offers

[Spa Manager Name] announced the launch of a "Wellness Wednesday" initiative offering discounts on select treatments every Wednesday throughout the summer. They outlined the promotional strategy and encouraged the team to promote the initiative to clients through various channels.

VI. Any Other Business (AOB)

[Assistant Spa Manager Name] raised concerns about inventory levels for massage oils and suggested placing an order to replenish stock. The team agreed and tasked [Assistant Spa Manager Name] with contacting suppliers to place the order promptly.

VII. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment

The next spa agenda meeting is scheduled for [Date], at 10:00 AM. [Spa Manager Name] reminded attendees to mark their calendars and encouraged them to reach out if there are any additional agenda items they would like to discuss.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM.

Discussion Points

  1. Spa Services Review: Agreement reached to update massage menu based on guest feedback.

  2. Staff Training and Development: Consensus to proceed with planned training session.

  3. Customer Feedback and Satisfaction: Decision made to explore options for implementing online booking system.

  4. Marketing and Promotional Activities: Feedback provided on summer promotional campaign draft.

Decisions Made

  1. Approved updates to massage menu based on guest feedback.

  2. Confirmed plans for upcoming staff training session.

  3. Authorized exploration of online booking system options.

  4. Provided feedback on summer promotional campaign draft.

Action Items

  1. [Lead Therapist Name] to finalize updated massage menu and circulate to team for review.

  2. [Training Specialist Name] to finalize agenda and schedule for upcoming training session.

  3. [Spa Manager Name] to research online booking system options and present findings at the next meeting.

  4. [Marketing Coordinator Name] to incorporate feedback and finalize summer promotional campaign for launch.

  5. [Assistant Spa Manager Name] to contact suppliers and place order for massage oils replenishment.

Next Steps

  1. Team members to complete assigned action items by designated deadlines.

  2. Prepare for implementation of approved decisions before the next meeting.

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