Spa Complaint Email

Spa Complaint Email

Subject: Dissatisfaction with Recent Spa Experience - Immediate Action Requested

Dear Spa Management Team,

I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the service I received during my recent visit to [Your Company Name] on [Date of Visit]. As a longstanding customer, I expected a high level of service, but unfortunately, my experience fell far short of what I consider acceptable.

Firstly, the appointment I had pre-booked was delayed by nearly 30 minutes without any explanation or apology from the staff. This caused significant inconvenience as I had planned my day around this appointment. Additionally, when I was finally attended to, I found the facilities to be lacking in cleanliness. The massage room was not adequately sanitized, and the towels provided appeared reused.

Moreover, the therapist who attended to me seemed inexperienced and lacked the professional demeanor one would expect from such an establishment. The massage was rushed and did not address the areas I had specifically requested focus on.

I am deeply disappointed as previous visits to your spa had always been pleasant and relaxing. Given these circumstances, I believe I deserve some form of compensation for the distress and inconvenience caused. I suggest a full refund for the service or a complimentary session to restore my faith in your establishment.

Please address these issues promptly, as I believe in giving businesses a chance to rectify their mistakes. I look forward to your timely response and a satisfactory resolution to this complaint.


[Your Name]

[Your Number]

[Your Email]

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