Cafe Annual Meeting Minutes

Cafe Annual Meeting Minutes

I. Meeting Details








[Name], Café Manager

II. Attendees



Present (Y/N)


Café Manager



Head Chef



Training Coordinator



Marketing Manager



Maintenance Manager



Customer Relations Manager


III. Meeting Agenda



Time Allotted

1. Menu Revision and Update

Review and refresh the café menu.

15 min

2. Staff Training Program

Develop and implement staff training sessions.

10 min

3. Marketing Campaign

Plan and execute a campaign for the new menu launch.

10 min

4. Equipment Maintenance

Schedule maintenance and replacement of equipment.

10 min

5. Customer Feedback Analysis

Analyze feedback and create an action plan.

10 min

IV. Discussion Summary

  • Menu Revision and Update: [Name], Head Chef, discussed the review of the current menu to identify low-performing items. Collaborated with the kitchen team to develop new recipes and refresh offerings. All changes will be reflected in printed and digital menus by [MM-DD-YYYY].

  • Staff Training Program: [Name], Training Coordinator, outlined the development of a comprehensive training program focused on customer service, food safety, and operational efficiency. Scheduled training sessions and assigned trainers to specific modules. All staff members are to complete the training by [MM-DD-YYYY].

  • Marketing Campaign for New Menu Launch: [Name], Marketing Manager, presented the design of a marketing campaign to promote new menu items, utilizing social media, email newsletters, and in-café promotions. Coordinated with the marketing team to create engaging content and promotional materials. The campaign will be launched by [MM-DD-YYYY] and its impact on sales will be monitored.

  • Annual Equipment Maintenance and Replacement: [Name], Maintenance Manager, reported on the inventory of all kitchen and café equipment to assess their condition. Scheduled maintenance for equipment in need of repairs and planned for replacements where necessary. All maintenance and replacements are to be completed by [MM-DD-YYYY].

  • Customer Feedback Analysis and Action Plan: [Name], Customer Relations Manager, discussed the collection and analysis of customer feedback from various channels, including surveys, reviews, and direct comments. Identified common issues and areas for improvement. Developed an action plan to address these issues and enhance customer satisfaction, with implementation starting by [MM-DD-YYYY].

V. Action Items


Assigned to



Review and update café menu



In Progress

Develop staff training program



In Progress

Launch marketing campaign



In Progress

Conduct equipment maintenance



In Progress

Analyze customer feedback



In Progress

VI. Additional Notes

  • Next meeting scheduled for [MM-DD-YYYY] at [HH:MM AM/PM] at [Location].

  • All attendees are requested to review the action items and come prepared with updates for the next meeting.

VII. Approval

Minutes Prepared by: [Your Name], Assistant Manager

Reviewed and Approved by: [Name], Café Manager


Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

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