Cafe Branding Guide

Cafe Branding Guide

I. Brand Overview

[Your Company Name] is a charming café nestled in the heart of [Big City], renowned for its warm ambiance, exceptional coffee, and delightful pastries. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and community sets us apart, making us a beloved destination for coffee lovers and food enthusiasts alike.


Our mission at [Your Company Name] is to provide a welcoming space where customers can relax and enjoy premium coffee and freshly baked goods. We strive to create a positive impact on our community by sourcing locally, promoting sustainability, and fostering meaningful connections.


  • Quality: We prioritize quality in every aspect of our café, from our meticulously crafted beverages to our friendly customer service.

  • Sustainability: We are dedicated to reducing our environmental footprint by sourcing ethically and using eco-friendly practices wherever possible.

  • Community: We aim to be a hub for community engagement, hosting events, supporting local artists, and collaborating with neighborhood organizations.

  • Inclusivity: [Your Company Name] welcomes everyone with open arms, embracing diversity and creating a space where all feel valued and respected.

  • Innovation: We continually strive to innovate and improve, whether it's through new menu offerings, sustainable practices, or customer experiences.

Unique Selling Points:

  • Artisanal Coffee: Our coffee is expertly sourced, roasted, and brewed to perfection, ensuring a rich and flavorful experience with every cup.

  • Locally Sourced Ingredients: We partner with local farmers and suppliers to offer the freshest, highest quality ingredients in our food and beverages.

  • Cozy Atmosphere: Our café provides a cozy retreat from the hustle and bustle, with comfortable seating and a welcoming ambiance.

  • Community Engagement: From hosting book clubs to supporting local charities, we actively engage with our community to make a positive impact.

  • Personalized Service: Our attentive staff takes pride in providing personalized service, ensuring each customer feels valued and appreciated.

II. Logo Usage

The [Your Company Name] logo is a vital part of our brand identity and should be used consistently to maintain brand recognition. The logo should always be displayed prominently and legibly, following the guidelines outlined below.

Size, Placement, and Clear Space Requirements



Minimum Size

1 inch (width)


Top left corner of material, unless specified otherwise for design purposes

Clear Space

Maintain a clear space equal to the height of the logo around all sides

Guidelines for Logo Variations and Misuse

  • The logo should never be altered, distorted, or stretched in any way. Use only the approved versions provided in the branding materials.

  • Ensure that the logo is always legible and not obscured by other elements. Avoid placing it on busy backgrounds or in cluttered layouts.

  • Do not use unapproved color variations or add additional elements to the logo. The logo should always appear in its original form to maintain brand consistency.

  • If resizing the logo, always maintain the aspect ratio to prevent distortion. If in doubt, refer to the provided branding guidelines or consult with the branding team.

III. Color Palette

The [Your Company Name] color palette is an essential component of our brand identity, conveying our unique personality and setting us apart from the competition. Our carefully selected colors evoke feelings of warmth, comfort, and sophistication, reflecting the inviting atmosphere of our café. Consistent use of these colors across all branding materials is crucial to maintaining brand recognition and cohesion.

Primary and Secondary Colors

Color Name

Hex Code


Espresso Brown


Primary color for logo and headlines

Creamy Beige


Backgrounds and accents

Cappuccino Brown


Secondary color for text and accents

Latte White


Additional accent color for highlights

Color Combinations

  • Espresso Brown and Creamy Beige create a classic, elegant look.

  • Cappuccino Brown and Latte White provide contrast and balance in typography and design elements.

  • When using colors in digital media, ensure they match the specified hex codes for consistency across platforms.

IV. Typography

The typography of [Your Company Name] plays a crucial role in conveying our brand's personality and enhancing readability across all communications. We have carefully selected fonts that reflect our café's warm and inviting atmosphere while ensuring clarity and professionalism. Consistent use of these fonts will help maintain a cohesive brand identity and enhance the overall visual appeal of our materials.

Typography Styles




Playfair Display


Headings and titles



Body text and supporting information

Guidelines for Usage

  • Use Playfair Display for headings and titles to convey a sense of elegance and sophistication.

  • Lato should be used for body text and supporting information to ensure readability across different platforms.

  • Avoid using decorative or overly stylized fonts, as they can detract from the overall readability and professionalism of our communications.

V. Brand Voice and Messaging

At [Your Company Name], our brand voice is the embodiment of our personality. It reflects our values, resonates with our audience, and sets the tone for all our communications. Consistency in our brand voice across all platforms and interactions is key to building trust and loyalty among our customers.


Our tone is friendly, approachable, and warm. We aim to make every interaction with our customers feel like a conversation with a friend. Whether it's a social media post, an email, or a face-to-face interaction, our tone should always be welcoming and genuine.


Our style is casual yet professional. We avoid jargon and overly formal language, opting instead for simple, easy-to-understand language that everyone can relate to. We strive to be informative and engaging, without being too promotional or sales-driven.


Our language is inclusive and respectful. We use inclusive language that is welcoming to people of all backgrounds and identities. We also strive to be respectful in our communications, avoiding controversial topics and sensitive issues that may alienate our audience.


Our messaging is focused on our core values of quality, sustainability, community, and inclusivity. We highlight the quality of our products and services, our commitment to sustainable practices, our involvement in the community, and our welcoming attitude towards everyone.

Guidelines for Usage

  • Use a conversational tone in all communications to create a friendly and approachable atmosphere.

  • Avoid using overly formal language or jargon that may confuse or alienate our audience.

  • Be respectful and inclusive in all communications, using language that is welcoming to everyone.

  • Stay true to our core values in all messaging, highlighting our commitment to quality, sustainability, community, and inclusivity.

  • Keep messaging consistent across all platforms and interactions to maintain a cohesive brand voice.

VI. Visual Elements

Visual elements are integral to conveying the essence of [Your Company Name]. They create a memorable and consistent brand identity that resonates with our audience. Our visual elements, including photography, illustrations, and other graphics, should reflect our brand values of warmth, community, and quality.


  • Use high-quality images that capture the ambiance of our café, including shots of our beverages, pastries, and cozy seating areas.

  • Showcase diversity in our photography to reflect our inclusive values, featuring customers of different ages, backgrounds, and cultures.

  • Use natural lighting whenever possible to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in our photos.


  • Use illustrations sparingly to add a playful and creative touch to our brand.

  • Illustrations should complement our photography and enhance the overall visual appeal of our communications.

  • Avoid using overly complex or abstract illustrations that may detract from our messaging.

Other Visual Elements

  • Use our logo consistently and prominently across all materials, ensuring it is clear and legible.

  • Incorporate our color palette into all visual elements, including backgrounds, borders, and accents.

  • Use typography consistently, following the guidelines outlined in the typography section.

Guidelines for Usage

  • Maintain a cohesive visual style across all materials, including social media, advertising, and in-store signage.

  • Ensure all visual elements align with our brand values and messaging, reinforcing our commitment to quality, sustainability, and community.

  • Regularly review and update visual elements to keep them fresh and relevant to our audience.

  • Use visual elements to tell a story about our café, highlighting what sets us apart from other establishments.

  • Collaborate with designers and photographers to create visual elements that resonate with our audience and accurately represent our brand.

VII. Brand Assets

Brand assets are essential tools that help maintain the consistency and integrity of [Your Company Name]’s visual and verbal identity. These assets include our logos, images, templates, and other branding materials. Providing easy access to these assets ensures that all marketing materials and promotions align with our brand standards.

Access to Brand Assets

To ensure that everyone has the resources they need to create consistent and professional marketing materials, we have compiled a comprehensive collection of brand assets. These can be accessed through our internal branding portal [Your Company Website/Brand Portal URL]. Access is restricted to authorized personnel to maintain control over our brand integrity.

Available Brand Assets


  • Primary Logo: Available in various formats (JPEG, PNG, SVG) for different applications.

  • Secondary Logo: Variations for use on different backgrounds and materials.

  • Icon: Simplified version of our logo for use in smaller applications, such as social media icons or favicons.


  • High-resolution photos of our café, products, and events.

  • Stock images that reflect our brand values and aesthetic.

  • Approved images of our team, community events, and customer interactions.


  • Social Media Templates: Pre-designed layouts for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms.

  • Email Templates: Branded templates for newsletters, promotional emails, and customer communications.

  • Print Templates: Designs for flyers, posters, menus, and in-store signage.

  • Presentation Templates: PowerPoint and Keynote templates for internal and external presentations.

Typography Files

  • Downloadable font files for Playfair Display and Lato, our approved typefaces.

  • Guidelines on how to install and use these fonts in various applications.

Brand Guidelines

  • Comprehensive PDF document outlining our branding guidelines, including logo usage, color palette, typography, and visual elements.

  • Quick reference guides for easy access to essential branding rules.

Guidelines for Usage

  • Consistency: Always use the provided brand assets to ensure a consistent and professional look across all marketing materials.

  • Quality: Use high-resolution images and templates to maintain a high standard of visual quality.

  • Approval: All new marketing materials should be reviewed and approved by the branding team before use to ensure compliance with our brand guidelines.

  • Updates: Regularly check the branding portal for updates to brand assets and guidelines. New versions of logos, templates, and other materials may be uploaded as our brand evolves.

By providing these resources, we empower our team and partners to create materials that effectively communicate our brand’s identity and values, helping to build a strong, cohesive brand presence in the market.

VIII. Brand Application

Effective brand application is crucial for maintaining a consistent and recognizable identity across all customer touchpoints. At [Your Company Name], we apply our brand elements thoughtfully and consistently to create a cohesive experience, whether a customer is visiting our café, browsing our website, or interacting with us on social media.


  • Exterior Signage: Our exterior signs feature our primary logo prominently, using our brand’s color palette to ensure high visibility and instant recognition. The signage should be well-lit and maintained to reflect the quality and care we put into our brand.

  • Interior Signage: Inside the café, signs should use our brand fonts and colors. Directional signs, menu boards, and promotional displays should be consistent in style and easily readable, reinforcing our brand’s welcoming and professional atmosphere.


  • Coffee Cups and Sleeves: Our coffee cups and sleeves are a primary touchpoint for customers. They should feature our logo, tagline, and brand colors. The design should be clean and uncluttered, reflecting our commitment to quality and simplicity.

  • Takeout Bags and Boxes: Packaging for takeout items should also incorporate our branding elements. The design should ensure that our brand is visible and recognizable, providing a seamless brand experience from the café to the customer’s home.

  • Labels and Stickers: For products like pastries and packaged goods, use branded labels and stickers that include our logo and color palette. Ensure that the branding is clear and consistent across all products.


  • In-Café Menus: Our printed menus should use our brand fonts, colors, and layout guidelines. The design should be clean and easy to navigate, highlighting our products and their descriptions clearly.

  • Digital Menus: On digital screens, menus should maintain the same visual consistency as printed versions. Use high-quality images and clear, readable text to ensure a pleasant customer experience.

Digital Platforms

  • Website: Our website is a key touchpoint for customers. It should reflect our brand identity through consistent use of our logo, color palette, and typography. Content should be engaging, easy to navigate, and reflect our brand voice and values.

  • Social Media: Social media profiles and posts should use our brand elements consistently. Profile pictures, cover photos, and post visuals should all incorporate our logo and color scheme. The tone of our posts should align with our brand voice, creating a cohesive and engaging presence.

  • Email Newsletters: Newsletters should use branded email templates that include our logo, fonts, and colors. Content should be well-organized, visually appealing, and consistent with our overall brand messaging.

Examples of Brand Application

  • Event Promotions: For in-café events, create promotional materials that use our brand assets, including posters, flyers, and digital graphics. Ensure that all materials are consistent and align with our brand guidelines.

  • Community Involvement: When participating in community events, use branded materials such as banners, t-shirts, and brochures. This ensures that our presence is recognizable and reinforces our commitment to the community.

  • Customer Interactions: Train staff to represent our brand through their interactions with customers. This includes using branded language, maintaining a friendly and welcoming demeanor, and ensuring that the customer experience aligns with our brand values.

By consistently applying our brand across all touchpoints, we strengthen our identity and build a memorable and trustworthy experience for our customers.

Maintaining a strong and consistent brand identity is essential for the success of [Your Company Name]. This Cafe Branding Guide serves as a comprehensive resource to ensure that every element of our brand, from logos and colors to typography and visual elements, is applied consistently across all touchpoints. By adhering to these guidelines, we can create a cohesive and memorable brand experience that resonates with our customers and reinforces our commitment to quality, community, and inclusivity. Together, let's build a brand that stands out, tells our story, and fosters lasting connections with our audience.

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