Ayurvedic Doctor Resume

Ayurvedic Doctor Resume



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Passionate and dedicated Ayurvedic doctor with extensive experience in holistic health and wellness. Seeking a challenging opportunity to utilize my skills in herbal medicine, lifestyle counseling, and traditional Ayurvedic therapies to promote healing and well-being in patients.


Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)

[Name of Ayurvedic College], [Year of Graduation]

Licenses and Certifications

  • Licensed Ayurvedic Doctor, [State Licensing Board], [License Number]

  • Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, [Certifying Organization], [Year of Certification]

Work Experience

Ayurvedic Physician
[Name of Ayurvedic Clinic], [City, State] -[Dates of Employment]

  • Conducted comprehensive Ayurvedic consultations, including pulse diagnosis, tongue examination, and health history analysis.

  • Developed individualized treatment plans incorporating Ayurvedic herbs, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle modifications.

  • Administered Panchakarma therapies such as Abhyanga, Shirodhara, and Basti for detoxification and rejuvenation.

  • Provided guidance on stress management, meditation, and yoga practices to promote holistic wellness.

  • Collaborated with other healthcare providers to integrate Ayurvedic principles into patient care.

Ayurvedic Consultant
[Name of Wellness Center], [City, State]- [Dates of Employment]

  • Conducted wellness workshops and seminars on Ayurvedic principles, nutrition, and healthy living.

  • Provided Ayurvedic lifestyle counseling to clients seeking natural solutions for chronic health issues.

  • Formulated custom herbal remedies and Ayurvedic supplements to address specific health concerns.

  • Managed inventory of Ayurvedic medicines and herbal products, ensuring quality and compliance with regulatory standards.


  • Proficient in Ayurvedic diagnostics, including Nadi Pariksha (pulse diagnosis) and Doshic assessment.

  • Deep understanding of Ayurvedic pharmacology, herbal formulations, and therapeutic modalities.

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, with a compassionate and empathetic approach to patient care.

  • Ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary healthcare teams and integrate Ayurvedic principles into conventional medical settings.

Professional Affiliations

  • Member, National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA)

  • Member, American Association of Ayurvedic Professionals (AAAP)


Available upon request.

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