Free Cafe Project Meeting Minutes Template

Cafe Project Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date

Meeting Time

Meeting Location

[Month Day, Year]


[Your Company Address]


  1. [Name] - [Title]

  2. [Name] - [Title]

  3. [Name] - [Title]

  4. [Name] - [Title]

  5. [Name] - [Title]


  1. Review of Project Scope

  2. Progress Update

  3. Issues and Challenges

  4. Action Items

  5. Next Steps

Meeting Proceedings

1. Review of Project Scope

  • The project scope was reviewed to ensure everyone understands the objectives and deliverables.

2. Progress Update

  • [Name] provided an update on the cafe design concept. The team reviewed the floor plan and discussed the placement of furniture and equipment.

3. Issues and Challenges

  • A discussion was held regarding the delay in obtaining permits from the local authorities. [Name] will follow up with the relevant department to expedite the process.

4. Action Items

  • [Name] to finalize the menu design and pricing strategy by [Month Day, Year].

  • [Name] to research and select a vendor for furniture and equipment procurement by [Month Day, Year].

  • [Name] to coordinate with the construction team for the installation of plumbing and electrical systems by [Month Day, Year].

5. Next Steps

  • The next project meeting is scheduled for [Month Day, Year] to review the progress on action items and discuss any new developments.


  • The meeting was adjourned at [Time].

Next Meeting


[Month Day, Year]




[Your Company Address]

Prepared By:

[Your Name]


Approved By:

[Full Name]


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