Cafe Eviction Notice

Cafe Eviction Notice


[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Address]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to you as the landlord/owner of the premises located at [Second Party Address]. It is with regret that I must inform you that this letter serves as an official eviction notice.

This notice is issued in accordance with the lease agreement signed between [Second Party] and [Landlord's Name] on [Date]. Specifically, I draw your attention to the following section(s) of the lease agreement:

  1. Section 4.1 - Rent Payment: The café has consistently failed to pay rent on time, with payments being overdue by more than [00] days for the past [00] months.

  2. Section 7.2 - Property Alterations: Unauthorized alterations to the property have been made without prior written consent from the landlord.

Despite repeated reminders and attempts to rectify the situation, it has come to my attention that the café is in violation of the lease terms. The violations include non-payment of rent and unauthorized alterations to the property.

In accordance with local laws and the terms of the lease agreement, you are hereby given [00 days] days to vacate the premises, effective from the date of this notice.

Failure to comply with this eviction notice within the stipulated period will result in legal action being taken against you. This may include but is not limited to seeking eviction through legal channels and pursuing damages for any losses incurred.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Number].

While it is unfortunate that we must resort to this course of action, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of the lease agreement and maintain the integrity of the property.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name]

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