Cafe Inspection Report

Cafe Inspection Report

I. Introduction

Our cafe conducts regular inspections to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations and to maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene. The inspection conducted on [Date] was a routine inspection aimed at assessing our overall operational practices.

II. Observations

A. Overall Cleanliness and Hygiene

The cafe was found to be generally clean and well-maintained. Surfaces were free of visible dirt and grime, and cleaning supplies were adequately stocked. However, there was some dust accumulation on high surfaces that require attention.

B. Food Preparation Areas

The food preparation areas, including the kitchen and food preparation surfaces, were clean and well-organized. Food contact surfaces were sanitized, and there were no signs of cross-contamination. However, there was a minor issue with a leaky faucet that needs to be repaired.

C. Storage Areas (Dry, Refrigerated, Frozen)

The storage areas were well-organized, with food items properly labeled and stored at the correct temperatures. However, there was some clutter in the dry storage area that should be addressed to improve organization.

D. Dining Areas (Seating, Tables, Floors)

The dining areas were clean and well-maintained. Tables and chairs were wiped down, and floors were swept and mopped. However, there were a few tables with wobbly legs that need to be repaired to ensure customer safety.

E. Restrooms

The restrooms were clean and stocked with soap and paper towels. However, there was a slight odor in one of the restrooms that may indicate a plumbing issue.

F. Pest Control Measures

Pest control measures were in place, including regular pest control inspections and the use of traps and baits. There were no signs of pest activity during the inspection.

III. Compliance with Regulations

A. Health and Safety Regulations

Our cafe complies with health and safety regulations by ensuring that all staff are trained in safe food handling practices and hygiene. Regular health inspections are conducted, and records are maintained to demonstrate compliance. Additionally, we have implemented measures such as regular cleaning and sanitizing of food contact surfaces, proper handwashing procedures, and the use of gloves and hairnets to prevent contamination.

B. Food Handling and Storage Regulations

Our cafe adheres to food handling and storage regulations by following proper procedures for receiving, storing, and preparing food. Food items are stored at the correct temperatures to prevent spoilage and contamination. We also ensure that all food items are properly labeled and dated to facilitate rotation and prevent the use of expired products.

C. Sanitation Regulations

Sanitation regulations are strictly followed at our cafe. Surfaces are cleaned and sanitized regularly, and cleaning schedules are posted to ensure that all areas are cleaned at appropriate intervals. We also use commercial-grade cleaning products and disinfectants to maintain a clean and hygienic environment.

D. Fire Safety Regulations

Fire safety regulations are taken seriously at our cafe. We have installed fire extinguishers in key areas and conduct regular fire drills to ensure that staff are familiar with evacuation procedures. Additionally, all electrical equipment is maintained and inspected regularly to prevent fire hazards.

IV. Critical Violations

During the inspection, three critical violations were identified that require immediate attention and corrective action:

A. Improper Food Storage: Several food items were found stored at incorrect temperatures in the refrigerator, posing a risk of spoilage and contamination.

Corrective action: All food items were promptly relocated to the appropriate storage areas with the correct temperatures maintained.

B. Cross-Contamination Risk: The same cutting board was observed being used for both raw and cooked food, increasing the risk of cross-contamination.

Corrective action: Staff were retrained on proper food handling practices, including the use of separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods.

C. Inadequate Handwashing Facilities: One of the handwashing sinks was found to be blocked and inaccessible, hindering proper hand hygiene practices.

Corrective action: The sink was immediately cleared and made accessible, and staff were reminded of the importance of regular handwashing.

V. Non-Critical Violations

In addition to the critical violations, three non-critical violations were identified during the inspection:

A. Lack of Hair Restraints: Some kitchen staff were observed without hairnets or other forms of hair restraints, increasing the risk of hair contamination.

Corrective action: Hairnets were provided to all kitchen staff, and a policy requiring their use was reinforced.

B. Inadequate Cleaning of Dining Area: The dining area floors were observed to be dirty, with visible food crumbs and spills.

Corrective action: The floors were immediately cleaned, and a more frequent cleaning schedule was implemented for the dining area.

C. Expired Food Items: Several food items were found in the storage areas past their expiration dates.

Corrective action: All expired food items were discarded, and staff were reminded to regularly check and rotate food items to prevent expiration.

VI. Recommendations

Based on the findings of the inspection, the following recommendations are provided to improve overall compliance and operational practices:

  1. Implement a more rigorous cleaning schedule for high-touch surfaces to reduce the risk of contamination.

  2. Conduct regular staff training sessions on food safety and hygiene practices to ensure compliance with regulations.

  3. Improve monitoring of food storage temperatures to prevent spoilage and contamination.

VII. Follow-Up Actions

To address the violations and recommendations identified during the inspection, the following follow-up actions will be taken:


Responsible Party


Conduct additional staff training on food safety


Within 2 weeks

Implement new cleaning schedule

Cleaning staff


Purchase and install new refrigeration unit


Within 1 month

VIII. Conclusion

While our cafe was found to be generally compliant with health and safety regulations, there were some areas for improvement identified during the inspection. We are committed to addressing these issues promptly and ensuring that our cafe maintains the highest standards of cleanliness, hygiene, and food safety.

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