Cafe Cleaning Schedule

Cafe Cleaning Schedule

This cleaning schedule outlines essential tasks and frequencies to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in our cafe. Refer to it daily to ensure all areas are consistently cleaned, promoting a safe and welcoming environment for our guests and staff.






Dining Area

Clean and sanitize tables and chairs

Use disinfectant spray and clean cloths

Sweep and mop floors

Use a mop and appropriate cleaning solution

Empty trash bins

Replace liners as needed

Sanitize high-touch surfaces (menus, door handles)

Use disinfectant wipes


Clean and sanitize countertops and food preparation surfaces

Use food-safe sanitizers

Wash dishes and utensils

Use dishwasher or hand wash with hot water

Clean coffee machines and equipment

Follow manufacturer’s instructions


Clean and disinfect toilets, sinks, and countertops

Use bathroom cleaners and disinfectants

Refill soap dispensers and restock paper towels

Check and replenish as needed


Dining Area

Dust and wipe down light fixtures and ceiling fans

Use a microfiber cloth

Clean windows and window sills

Use glass cleaner and lint-free cloth


Deep clean refrigerators and freezers

Remove items, clean interior with sanitizers

Clean oven and stovetop

Remove grease and food debris

Clean exhaust hood and filters

Remove grease buildup

Clean and organize storage areas

Discard expired items, wipe shelves


Dining Area

Deep clean upholstery on chairs and booths

Vacuum, spot clean stains


Descale coffee machines and equipment

Use descaling solution

Clean and sanitize dishwasher

Run cleaning cycle

Clean drains and sink traps

Use drain cleaner as needed

Clean and sanitize ice machine

Follow manufacturer’s instructions

Entire Cafe

Clean and sanitize air vents and ducts

Ensure proper airflow and cleanliness

Inspect and replace worn-out kitchen towels and mats

Ensure hygiene standards


Dining Area

Clean and polish wooden furniture

Use appropriate wood cleaner and polish


Inspect and clean behind and under equipment

Prevent buildup of dust and debris

Clean and sanitize walk-in refrigerators and storage areas

Remove items, wipe down surfaces

As Needed

Any Area

Address spills and stains immediately

Use appropriate cleaners and disinfectants

Replace broken or worn-out equipment

Ensure safe and functional environment

Respond to unexpected cleaning needs (e.g., pest control)

Follow health and safety protocols

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