School Photography Contract

School Photography Contract

This Photography Services Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on [Date], between [Your Company Name] (the "School") located at [Your Company Address], and [Photographer Name] (the "Photographer") located at [Photographer Address].

WHEREAS, the School desires to engage the services of the Photographer for the purpose of providing photography services at various school events, including but not limited to class portraits, yearbook photos, and special events.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the School and the Photographer agree as follows:

I. Services Provided

A. Event Coverage: The Photographer shall provide photography services for the following events: school sports day, graduation ceremony, and prom night. The Photographer will capture candid moments, group shots, and individual portraits as required.

B. Image Editing: All captured images will undergo basic editing, including color correction, cropping, and minor retouching, to ensure a high-quality final product.

C. Deliverables: The Photographer will deliver 100 edited digital images and 50 printed copies to the School. Digital images will be provided in high resolution suitable for printing and low resolution suitable for online use.

II. Payment Terms

A. Deposit: The School shall pay a non-refundable deposit of $500 no later than July 1, 2050, to secure the Photographer's services for the specified dates.

B. Balance Payment: The remaining balance of $1000 shall be paid in full no later than August 15, 2050. Failure to pay the balance by this date may result in the cancellation of services.

C. Additional Charges: Any additional charges incurred during the provision of services, such as overtime or additional prints, shall be invoiced separately and paid within 14 days of receipt of the invoice.

III. Responsibilities of the Photographer

A. Equipment: The Photographer shall provide all necessary photography equipment, including cameras, lenses, lighting, and backdrops, for the duration of the photography sessions.

B. Professional Conduct: The Photographer shall conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times while on the School premises, respecting the School's rules and regulations.

C. Backup Plan: The Photographer shall have a backup plan in place in case of equipment failure or other unforeseen circumstances that may affect the provision of services.

IV. Responsibilities of the School

A. Access and Permissions: The School shall provide the Photographer with access to all necessary locations on the School premises for the purpose of conducting photography sessions.

B. Cooperation: The School shall cooperate with the Photographer to ensure the smooth running of the photography sessions, including providing assistance with organizing groups for photos.

C. Payment: The School shall make timely payments to the Photographer as outlined in the Payment Terms section of this Agreement.

V. Image Rights and Usage

A. Ownership: All images captured and produced by the Photographer shall remain the property of the Photographer. The School is granted a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the images for non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to promotional materials, yearbooks, and the School's website.

B. Usage Rights: The School may not sell or license the images to third parties without the Photographer's consent. The School shall credit the Photographer when using the images in any publication or online platform.

C. Licensing: The School shall have the right to use the images in perpetuity, with the exception of any images that are deemed inappropriate or offensive by the Photographer, which shall be deleted upon request.

VI. Cancellation and Rescheduling

A. Cancellation Policy: Either party may cancel this Agreement by providing written notice at least 14 days in advance. In the event of cancellation, the School shall pay a cancellation fee of $250.

B. Rescheduling: If the School needs to reschedule a photography session, it must provide written notice to the Photographer at least 7 days in advance. The Photographer shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate the new schedule, subject to availability.

C. Weather Conditions: In the event of inclement weather that prevents outdoor photography, the Photographer and the School shall work together to reschedule the session at a mutually agreed-upon date and time.

VII. Liability and Insurance

A. Liability: The Photographer shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from the actions of the subjects being photographed or any other individuals at the photography session. The Photographer's liability is limited to the total amount paid for the photography services.

B. Insurance: The Photographer shall maintain liability insurance coverage in the amount of at least $1,000,000 to cover any potential damages or claims arising from the provision of services under this Agreement.

C. Indemnification: The School agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Photographer against any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the use of the images provided under this Agreement.

VIII. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information exchanged during the course of this Agreement, including but not limited to personal information of students and staff.

IX. Dispute Resolution

A. Mediation: Any dispute arising from or relating to this Agreement shall first be resolved through mediation, conducted by a mutually agreed-upon mediator.

B. Arbitration: If mediation is unsuccessful, the dispute shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

C. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State].


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereby confirm their agreement to the terms and conditions set forth in this school photography contract.







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