High School Basketball Practice Plan

High School Basketball Practice Plan

I. Overview

This practice plan outlines the structure and activities for a high school basketball team practice session at [Your Company Name]. The goal is to enhance the players' skills, teamwork, and overall fitness. This comprehensive plan covers all aspects of training to ensure players are well-prepared for competition.

II. Warm-Up and Stretching

To prevent injuries and prepare the body for the intense activities ahead, a proper warm-up and stretching routine is crucial. The session begins with a light jog around the gym or court for about 5 minutes. This helps increase the heart rate, warm up the muscles, and get the players into the right mindset for practice.

Following the jog, dynamic stretching is conducted for about 10 minutes. Dynamic stretches include exercises such as high knees, butt kicks, leg swings, and arm circles. These movements are designed to improve flexibility and range of motion while also continuing to elevate the heart rate.




5 minutes

Light Jog

Players jog around the gym or court to increase heart rate and warm up muscles.

10 minutes

Dynamic Stretching

Includes high knees, butt kicks, leg swings, and arm circles to improve flexibility and range of motion.

III. Fundamental Drills

Fundamentals are the foundation of basketball. This section of the practice focuses on improving basic skills that every player needs, regardless of their position. Ball handling drills are essential to develop control and confidence with the basketball. Players engage in a series of dribbling drills for 15 minutes, including figure 8, crossover, between the legs, and behind the back. These drills not only improve hand-eye coordination but also help players become more comfortable handling the ball in various game situations.

Following ball handling, passing drills are conducted for 10 minutes. Effective passing is crucial for a team's offense, and players practice different types of passes, including chest pass, bounce pass, overhead pass, and no-look pass. Each pass is practiced with a partner, emphasizing accuracy and timing.




15 minutes

Ball Handling

Dribbling drills include figure 8, crossover, between the legs, and behind the back to improve control and confidence.

10 minutes

Passing Drills

Includes chest pass, bounce pass, overhead pass, and no-look pass to emphasize accuracy and timing.

IV. Shooting Drills

Shooting is a critical skill in basketball, and this section focuses on improving players' shooting techniques and consistency. The session starts with form shooting for 10 minutes, where players practice their shooting form close to the basket. This helps reinforce proper shooting mechanics, such as hand placement, balance, and follow-through.

Next, players spend 10 minutes on free throws. Free throws are a significant part of the game and can often be the difference between winning and losing. Players practice shooting free throws under simulated game conditions, focusing on their routine and mental preparation.

Finally, spot shooting drills are conducted for 15 minutes. Players practice shooting from various spots on the floor, including catch and shoot, off the dribble, and three-point shots. This helps players develop a rhythm and confidence in their shooting abilities from different areas of the court.




10 minutes

Form Shooting

Players practice shooting form close to the basket to reinforce proper mechanics.

10 minutes

Free Throws

Players practice shooting free throws under simulated game conditions.

15 minutes

Spot Shooting

Players practice shooting from various spots on the floor, including catch and shoot, off the dribble, and three-point shots.

V. Offensive Drills

Offense is where the team scores points, and this section focuses on developing fast break and set play skills. Fast break drills are conducted for 10 minutes to improve the team's ability to transition quickly from defense to offense. Players practice 3-on-2 and 2-on-1 fast break situations, emphasizing speed, decision-making, and finishing at the basket.

Next, the team spends 20 minutes reviewing and practicing set plays. Coaches introduce and explain the set plays, followed by a 5-on-0 walkthrough where players run through the plays without defense to understand their roles and responsibilities. Finally, the team practices these plays in a 5-on-5 setting, focusing on execution and timing under defensive pressure.




10 minutes

Fast Break Drills

Players practice 3-on-2 and 2-on-1 situations to improve transition offense.

20 minutes

Set Plays

Includes review, 5-on-0 walkthrough, and 5-on-5 execution of set plays to focus on timing and execution.

VI. Defensive Drills

Defense wins championships, and this section is dedicated to improving individual and team defensive skills. The session begins with 10 minutes of defensive stance and footwork drills. Players practice slides, and closeouts, and help defense to improve their ability to stay in front of their opponent and provide support to teammates.

The team then spends 15 minutes on team defense drills. These include the shell drill, which helps players understand and execute defensive rotations and positioning, as well as press defense and zone defense drills to prepare for different defensive strategies they may use in games.




10 minutes

Defensive Stance

Includes slides, closeouts, and help defense to improve individual defensive skills.

15 minutes

Team Defense

Includes shell drill, press defense, and zone defense drills to prepare for different defensive strategies.

VII. Scrimmage

Scrimmaging allows players to apply the skills and concepts they've practiced in a game-like setting. The team engages in a full-court scrimmage for 20 minutes, which is a controlled environment where coaches can provide immediate feedback and guidance. The focus is on executing offensive and defensive strategies, making smart decisions, and maintaining a high level of intensity and effort.

During the scrimmage, coaches may stop play to correct mistakes, reinforce positive behaviors, and emphasize key teaching points. This helps players understand how to translate practice drills into game situations and improve their overall basketball IQ.




20 minutes

Full-Court Scrimmage

Controlled scrimmage with coaching focus on executing offensive and defensive strategies.

VIII. Cool Down and Review

A proper cool-down is essential for recovery and injury prevention. The session concludes with 10 minutes of static stretching, where players stretch major muscle groups such as hamstrings, quads, shoulders, and groin. This helps reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility.

Following the cool down, the team holds a 10-minute meeting to review the practice. Coaches discuss the team's performance, highlight areas of improvement, and provide positive reinforcement for effort and execution. The meeting also includes a discussion of upcoming games, strategies, and any logistical details the players need to know. Finally, players have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any points from the practice.




10 minutes

Static Stretching

Players stretch major muscle groups to reduce soreness and improve flexibility.

10 minutes

Team Meeting

Coaches review practice performance, discuss upcoming games and strategies, and provide Q&A time for players.

IX. Conclusion

This detailed practice plan for the high school basketball team at [Your Company Name] is designed to cover all essential aspects of the game. By following this structured plan, the team will improve their individual skills, team cohesion, and overall performance, ultimately leading to success on the court.

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