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School Musical Commitment Contract

School Musical Commitment Contract

This School Musical Commitment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Your Company Name] (the "School") and the undersigned [Student Name] and their [Parent/Guardian Name] (collectively referred to as the "Participant"). This Contract outlines the terms and conditions under which the Participant agrees to commit to and participate in the [Name of Musical] (the "Musical").

1. Commitment to Rehearsals and Performances

1.1 Rehearsal Schedule

The Participant agrees to attend all scheduled rehearsals, which will be held on [Days of the Week] from [Start Time] to [End Time] at [Location]. The rehearsal schedule may also include additional rehearsals closer to the performance dates, including weekends and school holidays.

1.2 Performance Dates

The Participant agrees to participate in all scheduled performances of the Musical, which will be held on [Dates] at [Performance Venue]. There will be [Number of Performances] performances in total. The specific performance times will be communicated at a later date.

1.3 Attendance Policy

The Participant must notify the director in advance of any unavoidable absences. Excused absences include illness, family emergencies, or other pre-approved circumstances. Unexcused absences may result in the reassignment of roles or dismissal from the production.

2. Responsibilities and Conduct

2.1 Preparation and Punctuality

The Participant agrees to arrive on time for all rehearsals and performances, ready to participate fully. This includes bringing necessary materials such as scripts, costumes, and any other required items.

2.2 Behavior and Conduct

The Participant agrees to behave in a respectful and professional manner at all times. This includes following directions from the director and staff, collaborating positively with peers, and adhering to all school policies and rules.

2.3 Academic Standing

Participation in the Musical is contingent upon maintaining good academic standing. The Participant must keep up with their schoolwork and ensure that participation in the Musical does not negatively impact their academic performance.

3. Role and Responsibilities

3.1 Assigned Role

The Participant agrees to accept the role assigned to them by the director. The role assignment is based on auditions and the director’s discretion to best fit the needs of the production.

3.2 Role Preparation

The Participant agrees to dedicate time outside of rehearsals to memorize lines, practice songs, and work on choreography as required for their role. Failure to adequately prepare may result in reassignment or dismissal from the production.

3.3 Understudies

In the event that an understudy is assigned to the Participant’s role, the Participant agrees to cooperate fully with the understudy. Both the Participant and the understudy must be prepared to perform the role at any given time.

4. Costumes, Props, and Set

4.1 Costumes

The Participant is responsible for taking proper care of their assigned costumes. Costumes must be kept clean, undamaged, and returned in good condition at the end of the production.

4.2 Props

The Participant agrees to use props responsibly, ensuring they are not lost or damaged. Any damage to props must be reported immediately to the stage manager.

4.3 Set Participation

The Participant may be asked to assist with set construction, painting, or other backstage duties. The Participant agrees to contribute to these efforts as needed.

5. Health and Safety

5.1 Medical Information

The Participant must provide the School with any relevant medical information, including allergies, medications, or any other health concerns that may affect their participation in the Musical.

5.2 Emergency Contacts

The Participant must provide up-to-date emergency contact information to the School. In the event of a medical emergency, the School will contact the provided emergency contacts.

5.3 Safety Protocols

The Participant agrees to adhere to all safety protocols during rehearsals and performances. This includes following instructions from staff, using equipment properly, and reporting any safety hazards immediately.

6. Parental/Guardian Consent

6.1 Consent to Participate

The parent/guardian of the Participant consents to their child’s participation in the Musical. The parent/guardian acknowledges the time commitment and responsibilities involved and agrees to support their child’s involvement.

6.2 Liability Waiver

The parent or guardian hereby releases [Your Company Name], along with its employees and volunteers, from any responsibility or liability for any injuries or accidents that may take place during rehearsals, performances, or any activities that are related to these events, with the exception of situations involving gross negligence.

7. Media Release

7.1 Photograph and Video Release

The Participant and their parent/guardian grant permission for the Participant to be photographed and videotaped during rehearsals and performances. These images and videos may be used by [Your Company Name] for promotional purposes, including but not limited to social media, the school website, and printed materials.

7.2 Personal Information

The personal information of the Participant will be maintained in strict confidence and will be utilized solely for matters pertaining to the Musical. This encompasses communication related to rehearsals, performances, and any other pertinent updates.

8. Financial Obligations

8.1 Participation Fee

There is a participation fee of $[Amount], which covers the cost of costumes, props, and other production expenses. This fee must be paid by [Payment Due Date].

8.2 Additional Costs

The Participant, along with their parent or guardian, hereby acknowledges and understands that there might be supplementary expenses associated with optional items, which may include, but are not limited to, cast photographs, various souvenir items, or tickets to special events. It is important to note that participation in these optional activities is entirely voluntary and not a mandatory part of the program.

9. Contract Termination

9.1 Voluntary Withdrawal

In the event that the Participant opts to withdraw from their involvement in the Musical, it is imperative that they promptly communicate this decision to the director by providing written notification at the earliest opportunity. It is important to note that any fees associated with participation in the Musical are non-refundable under any circumstances.

9.2 Dismissal

The School retains the authority to remove the Participant from the Musical in the event that the Participant does not comply with the stipulations outlined in this Contract. The reasons for dismissal encompass but are not limited to, a significant number of unexcused absences, behavior that is disruptive to the production, or an insufficient level of preparedness for their role.

10. Agreement and Signatures

By signing this Contract, the Participant and their parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by all terms and conditions outlined above. This Contract represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.


[Authorized Representative Name]

[Your Company Name]


[Student Name]

[Parent/Guardian Name]

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