School Leave Email

School Leave Request

[Month Day, Year]

Subject: Request for Leave of Absence

Dear [Principal/Teacher's Name],

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence for my child, [Child's Name], who is in your [Grade/Class]. Due to unforeseen family circumstances, we require [his] presence at home from [Month Day, Year] to [Month Day, Year].

We understand the importance of regular attendance and assure you that we will make every effort to minimize any disruption to [Child's Name]'s education. During this period, we will ensure that the child completes all assigned homework and remains updated with the lessons covered in class.

If you could provide any additional assignments or study materials, it would be greatly appreciated. We aim to keep [Child's Name] on track and integrate [him] back into school work seamlessly upon [his] return.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are committed to cooperating fully to manage this situation smoothly.

Should you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at [Your Number] or via email at [Your Email].

Thank you once again for your kind consideration.


[Your Name]

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